The Tenth Question: All or Nothing!

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"It's time for the tenth question!" Ibiki shouts. Y/n was still asleep which he noticed quickly.

"L/n wake up!" She didn't respond.

"L/n!" She still doesn't respond.
"Tch I'll just have to wake you up myself." He muttered. Ibiki walked up to Y/n.

Team 7 looked at their teammate in worry.
'If he harms my y/n he'll pay!'
"L/n wake up!" Ibiki shouts once more but closer.

Y/n groans lowly. "Shut up." She muttered.

Ibiki looked at her surprised as well as the other candidates and sentinels.
"I guess you want it the hard way." Ibiki said. Ibiki brings down his fist to punch the sleeping girl.
'Y/n!' Team 7 and the rest of her friends screamed internally.
Y/n opens an eye and catches his fist.
"Fine I'm up you don't have to be grumpy about it." Y/n said as she rubbed her eye to get the sleepiness out.

'She stopped my fist like it was nothing! Just how strong is this brat?!'

"Now that your with us l/n it's finally time for the tenth question." Ibiki walks back to the front of the room.

"Listen up you guys have an option, whether you will or will not take the tenth question!"

'That's stupid of course I want to take the tenth question it's the only way to pass this exam.' Y/n thought as she petted p/n.

"Wait what happens if we decide not to take the tenth question?!" Temari asks.
Ibiki smirks.

"Your score will be zero. In other words you'll fail. And of course that goes for the same for the two others in the same group."

Y/n sighs. 'Good thing I'm not in a group but Naruto and the others.... Whether you want to stay or leave determines if you pass this exam. I know Naruto must feel conflicted. Our proctor what's-his-name is basically asking us if we want to risk everything on the line to pass.'

"Oh there's another rule I should mention! Those of you who do decide to take the exams must answer the question correctly if not then you never be able to take the exams ever again!" Ibiki said shocking the other candidates.

'That's risky but I'll take it.'

"Those of you not taking the exams raise your hands then leave you can try again next time." Ibiki said. Soon several shaky hands were raised many shinobi pooled out the doors leaving a little more than half of the candidates.

'So many people left are they really that scared of failing?'

Y/n sighs and moves her gaze to Naruto which left her in shock.
Naruto held up a trembling hand.
'He wouldn't!'
Naruto then slammed his hand on the desk.

"Don't underestimate me! I won't run! I'll take that question ,but even if I'm stuck as a genin forever, I will become hokage no matter what it takes! I'm not scared!" Naruto shouts.

'Whew he had me there. I thought he was going to quit.'

"I'll ask again. It's a choice that will alter your life. If you want to quit now is your chance." Ibiki repeats almost daring Naruto to give up.

"I'm not going to take back my words. That is my ninja way." Naruto said.

The other candidates felt more sure of themselves after Naruto said that and decided to stay.

'Hmph what a funny kid. He completely brushed away the others anxieties. 79 candidates huh
.. much more than I expected. It's going to be the same. No matter how much more I push it.' Ibiki turns to the sentinels who give a nod.

"I like your determination. Then... for those still here.. the first exam you have passed it!" There were several looks of confusion.

Y/n sighed in relief.
'I passed.'

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