Chapter 12

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Adrien's POV

"Are you fucking serious right now?" I screamed into my phone while standing in the middle of the hallway. They people around me seemed shocked by my loud outburst, but I didn't give a shit. I was seeing red I was so mad, and people judging me was the last thing I was concerned with.

"I went to your room to check on her, and there was a letter on the bed for you," Natalie told me. "She's going back to her parents."

I started running out of the building as soon as I processed what Natalie told me. Why was she doing this? How did she think this was a good idea? Didn't she know that her parents would probably beat the shit out of her when she came home? I ran out of the school, through a crosswalk, and to the bakery Marinette used to live at. I reached the door to the bakery and opened it only to find that it was locked. I noticed a sign on the door that read: For Lease. They were gone. 

In the reflection of the glass, I saw my car pull up. Natalie stepped out, but stopped short as she made eye contact with me in the glass. She looked taken aback by the tears that streamed down my face. 

"The police are aware of her disappearance, Adrien. I promise you we'll find her," Natalie said to me. 

I couldn't talk to her right now in fears that I would yell at her. She didn't deserve to be yelled at since this was my fault afterall. I walked passed her and into the car. Natalie got in a moment later, and quietly told Gorilla to drive us home. I was tempted to ask Gorilla to play music, so I wouldn't be able to sit alone with my thoughts. This had to be my own personal hell. I guess this is what I get for being a dick. The world was punishing me, and I honestly deserved it. 

As we neared the house, it hit me that I had a way to find Marinette. 

"Natalie, we can track her!" I exclaimed. 

"Adrien, she left her phone here. We have no way to find her," Natalie replied. 

"No, no, no," I argued. "I thought about how I could track Marinette if Luka happened to try and kidnap her and lose her phone. That necklace I gave her has a tracking device in it. She was wearing it last night, and I don't think she'd take it off. Even if she did take it off, she would still keep it near."

Natalie nodded enthusiastically as I pulled up the tracking app on my phone. From what it told me, she was on a plane heading southeast. 

"Natalie, I need to see footage from the airport to see what plane she went on," I instructed. 

Natalie nodded, and immediately went to work. Within twenty minutes, we found what plane she took; she was going to Switzerland. From what the footage told us, she had left only half an hour ago. I told Natalie to get the jet ready to fly to Switzerland in ten minutes. She made a call before we started the drive to the airport. We made it there in fifteen minutes, and I practically jumped out of the car. We took off after a minute. I constantly checked the flight time to track how long it would take us. Marinette's plane was going to land a few minutes after us, so she would be behind us. It would take her and her "family" about a half an hour to get through security. I would be waiting for her.

Marinette's POV

I fiddled with the necklace in my pocket as we descended into Switzerland. I would have been thrilled to be in such a beautiful country if it weren't for the awful circumstances. After my parent's left my room, I cleaned off my wounds, found the only hoodie that wasn't thrown out, and grabbed a backpack to make it look like I actually had possessions. 

We made it through security fairly fast before heading to baggage claim. My parents stayed close to the carousel to search for our bags while I went to the bathroom. As I was about to step into the family bathroom, somebody pushed me in. I was on the floor, facing toward the wall. In fears that I was going to get raped, I opened my mouth to scream, but the person put their hand over my mouth. I was muffled, but I still tried to scream. 

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