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Adrien stood nervously shifting from foot to foot. Today was the day where everything changed for him and Marinette. Nino rubbed his friend's shoulder in support once the music started to play. The bridesmaids, including Natalie, walked to their designated spots first. Alya, being the maid of honor, walked alone down the aisle. Once everybody was in their spot, all of the guests stood for the bride. Adrien looked down the aisle to his beautiful Marinette. A white, lace dress--that she designed and made herself--embraced her slim figure. She glided elegantly, her arm wrapped around Gorilla's bicep. Adrien couldn't contain the smile that spread across his face even if he wanted to. Mari and Gorilla made it before the altar, and Gorilla kissed Marinette's cheek before taking his seat in the front row. Most of the ceremony was a blur until Adrien started his vows.

"Marinette, I don't deserve you. I have aided in bad times in your life. I swear to you, I will protect you from any more evil in your life. I will never hurt you again." He was tearing up as he pronounced these things to the love of his life. He was crying because he knew he hurt her and because she chose him after all of it. 

Marinette was close to tears the minute Adrien begun, and by the end of it tears were all over her face. Thank god for water proof mascara, she thought to herself. It was her turn now to tell the love of her life what she thought of him. 

"Adrien, while we may have started on a rocky path, I still love you. You have kept me from harm so many times. You saved my life on multiple occasions. The past is the past, but after today, we will have a whole future to look forward to." Her voice broke at the end as even more tears graced her cheeks. 

There were a few things left for the officiant to say before Marinette and Adrien were officially wed. Once that was done, the man turned to Adrien.

"Do you take Marinette to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," Adrien--the bully, the oppressor, the harasser-- answered before the preacher was even done. The guests chuckled quietly at Adrien's enthusiasm, and Marinette found herself giggling with them. 

The officiator, satisfied with Adrien's response, turned toward Marinette. "Do you take Adrien to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 

The abused, bullied, tormented girl nodded. "I do." 

"You may now kiss--" The preacher began, but Marinette and Adrien were ahead of him. The newlyweds kissed as all of their friends and family cheered. The couple parted their lips to smile at their guests.

Concetta and Giovanni, who were both crying, walked up to the couple holding a vase. Giovanni handed it to Adrien as he wiped his soggy cheeks. 

"Break it for good luck, my son," he instructed. 

Adrien took the vase and placed it on the ground. Holding Marinette's hand, he stomped on the vase. The glass broke into a million pieces on the church's marble floor. 

"Meno male!" Concetta cheered. "The broken pieces signify that you guys will be together for a very, very long time."

Marinette and Adrien looked at one another with wide smiles on their faces. They both knew that they would be together even if they didn't have a broken vase telling them that. They would have stared at each other longer if it weren't for the wail Concetta let out. 

"They're so in love," she bawled as Giovanni held her. 

He began to sob like his wife. "I remember when we first got married."

The two mused about their wedding day as Marinette and Adrien listened and held one another. 


"Mama and Papa, watch this!" Emma yelled to get her mother's attention. 

Once Marinette and Adrien were watching their daughter, she did a cartwheel in front of the fountain. Her parents cheered as she took a few bows. Her brother, Hugo, ran up to her and hugged her. 

"Teach me how to do it," he yelled enthusiastically. "Teach me, teach me, teach me!"

She nodded to him to indicate that she would show him how to do it. The two played along with each other as Mari and Adrien watched from the part bench. The two laughed as their kids ran around and had a fun time. 

Without taking his eyes off of them, Adrien whispered, "Look how far we've come, Mari. I used to bully you, you and I were both abused, and now here we are. We are married and have two amazing kids." 

Hugo did a sloppy cartwheel and cheered for himself. "Did you see me, Papa?" 

Adrien whooped at his son's gymnastic move. "That was really good, Hugo!"

Hugo giggled at his father's hollering before returning to cartwheeling beside his sister. 

"It's about to be three amazing kids," Marinette replied to her husband while watching Emma. 

Adrien's head whipped toward Marinette. Marinette was trying to hide her growing smile, but she couldn't quite contain it. Marinette looked toward Adrien since he wasn't responding. Adrien's mouth was unhinged and on the ground; Marinette smiled even wider. 

"Are you pregnant?" He asked even though he knew her answer. 

She touched her stomach out of habit and nodded. "I found out this morning."

Adrien shot to his feet and took Marinette with him. He spun her around in a hug before placing her feet on the ground. He pulled her into a kiss, and she embraced his kiss and love. 

"Ew," Hugo and Emma screamed as they watched their parents kiss. 

Marinette and Adrien laughed at their children before sitting down to talk about the arrival of another baby. 


OMG GUYS! This is the end of the Bullied series. I am so glad that you guys enjoyed this series. I appreciate the support more than you guys could even imagine. I don't believe there is anything else I can do with this series, but I could rewrite each chapter from the opposite POV than it was written; let me know if you guys would like that at all. Also, somebody at the end of last chapter said, "I hope the next chapter is them getting married and having kids." Okay, mind reader. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this series as much as I enjoyed writing it. Love you all and thank you. 

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