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Song - Demons by Imagine Dragons.

When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide
Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide...

" Calvin put me down!" I yelled as I tried to struggle out of his grip but it was of no use. He was so much stronger than I was. He carried me into his room and finally put me on the floor . He shut the door behind me but I didn't see him locking it.

At least I could try to run out.

" I have waited for this moment, my love." He said with an expression I couldn't decipher on his face. This was very new to me. I had never seen Calvin like this before .

" Calvin please what are you doing?" I asked, feeling my heart beating hard against my chest. My inner mind had an idea of what might happen but I was trying to tell myself otherwise.

" I want you, fuck." He groaned as he dragged his hands roughly down his face. " I want all of you. I've always wanted you. I love you. Can't you see it?"

" But I don't love you. We broke up. I thought you understood this. I thought you were okay." I hated how my voice seems small. How did I not see this coming? There were signs I should have paid attention to but I didn't. How did I let things escalate like this?

" Okay?! You thought I was okay?" Calvin raised his voice again. This time higher. He ran his hands through his hair. " You don't know how much you hurt me by breaking up with me. How fucked up I felt because I knew he had taken you away from me. I watched that bastard, Logan steal you from right under my nose and you think it was okay?!" He turned around and pounded his both hands on the dressing table . " I loved you , Emma! I cherished you. I would have done anything for you and yet you let him take you away from me."

I had never seen Calvin like this before . This wasn't the same Calvin I knew. It was like he was suddenly possessed by some demon.

I took a few steps backwards . I was beginning to get very scared. " Calvin please stop this, please. You're scaring me."

He took some steps towards me as he gazed intensely at me but all I saw in his eyes was a monster waiting to be let loose. " I don't mean to scare you baby." He sighed. " It's the undying love I have for you that has made me crazy. You made me like this."

He tried to touch my arm but I flinched. " Please just stop, please stop." I glanced around the room thinking how I could make my escape. The windows were large but jumping out of it wasn't an option. This apartment was on the 9th floor and jumping down would mean falling to my death.

His eyes looked determined. " I have done everything I can to get you back and this time, it will stay that way."

You're even a better dancer than you were at the club...

The words he said while we were dancing hits me at the back of my brain . " How did you see me dancing at the club ?"

" What?" He looked confused.

" How did you see me dancing at the club?You made a statement while we were dancing. You said I was dancing better than I did at the club."

I waited for him to answer but the look on his face gave it away.,

" You were there. Weren't you?." I felt stupid for not realizing this earlier. " Logan isn't the only one that's been following me. You have too."

Oh my God. I can't believe this. How did I not realize all these things sooner? How was I so blind? All the signs, they were there.

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