19 - Friday

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It's Friday. I made it through my first week of returning to college.

In my hurry to have time to get coffee, I forgot my lunch at home. Maybe Harry will eat it. I'm not super mad though, because that way Peter and I can hit one of the food truck for lunch.

I arrive to class early, despite the traffic and coffee stop, sitting in the usual row that Peter and I occupy. I sip absentmindedly at my iced coffee I picked up on the way to campus. I didn't get much sleep last night, still thinking about Chicago or what I'm going to do about the band.

We have another performance tonight at a random club, maybe I'll ask if Peter wants to come..

I think about tho jealous Harry gets every time I mention Peter. I wish he would trust me more. Jealousy doesn't look good on him.

Speak of the devil, Peter slides into the seat next to me right as the professor starts class. I'm too anxious to focus much.

After we exchange hellos, I tell him about the show tonight.

"Maybe I'll show up, you guys were awesome last time." He adds.

"Thanks, I'm still getting used to the vibe. I only typically performed in coffee shops before, more of an acoustic set." I explain. His warm brown eyes widen.

"Really?" He seems surprised, "I never would have guessed that. You seemed right at home."

"Yeah." I whisper back when other students start glaring at us.

"Lunch after class? We can talk then." Peter asks and I nod, returning my focus to economics class.

Class seems to drag on, I find myself daydreaming of being on stage. I do enjoy the rawness of it. I'm free to experiment. And with Harry and Ash beside me, I feel confident in my own voice even more.

We walk out to the main drag of campus together, basking in the warm Arizona sunlight. I'm still not use to the constant warmth. We catch some shade beneath the spare palm trees lining the sidewalk after we grab some food at one of the many food trucks. Students mill around, conversing with each other and going from place to place.

"So you officially became the coolest person I know." Peter informs me once we sit on the grass.

I tilt my head, "Oh yeah? How's that?" I take a bite of my sandwich, satisfying my rumbling stomach. I guess iced coffee doesn't count as breakfast.

"Well first of all you're dating a British dude, that's awesome. Then you've got a wicked good voice and perform shows all the time."

"I wouldn't say all the time." I smile.

"Some of the time, then. You're going back to college after a few years, much like myself. That shows perseverance."

Perseverance? You have no idea...

"Well thank you for your compliments." I chuckle.

"Seriously, super cool." He nods.

If only he knew the trauma involved that got me to this point.

"Well first of all, I'm only in the band because one of the other members dropped out. I'm only going to college again because I was offered massive scholarships. And I'm only really dating Harry because of a random encounter. So all my "coolness" isn't really on purpose." I laugh, taking another bite.

"Massive scholarships, huh? You must be super smart then. See? Still cool." He lifts his eyebrows. I don't correct him, even though all the scholarships were for abused women or women with no family. I don't want to be a Debby-downer.

I just respond with a chuckle, then he adds, "And every encounter is a random encounter, if you think about it. How'd you guys meet?" He asks.

I sigh, do I tell him he saved me from being assaulted multiple times?

"Well, I was working. You know, as one does. And there was some creepy old guy hitting on me and Harry stepped in."

He makes a cooing noise, "How noble! Your knight in shining armor then?"

"Yep, and again later on the subway. And then again with my ex." I add nonchalantly.

"Your ex?"

"Yeah, long story, he sorta tried to kill me." I don't stop myself before the words come out. God, why would I say that?

Peter suddenly looks at me with shock, probably trying to decipher if I was kidding or not. Maybe he sees it in my eyes that I'm not.

"Okay. I have a lot of questions." He says cautiously.

I admit, "I'm not quite sure why I just dropped that bomb on you. Sorry about that."

"No, Katie, it's cool. If you ever want to talk about it, I'm all ears." He says casually.

Maybe I would like to talk about it. Maybe that'll help me figure out my issue of returning to Chicago.

"He abused me for a long time. We were in a. relationship and I didn't have anywhere else to go. So I stayed." I explain. I lift up my shirt sleeves to show him more pointedly my scars.

"God, Katie, I'm so sorry. I admit, I've noticed the scars but I never imaged they were linked to something like that." He exhales.

"Yeah, I finally got away from him and moved to Chicago. That's where Harry and I met. But long story short, he found me again. And if it weren't for Harry, I would be dead." I say.

Peter shakes his head in disbelief, "I sure hope this asshole got what he deserved."

"There's a court date set. They want me to testify to send him away for life. But I don't know if I have the strength to do it." I mutter the last part. My sandwich doesn't look as appetizing anymore.

"Oh Katie, I'm so sorry. I had literally no idea. You are so strong."

"That's what people tell me. It really fucked me up though, as I'm sure you can imagine." I try to make light of the conversation, but he's still looking at me with a seriousness in his posture.

He reaches across and puts his hand on my shoulder to comfort me, "Seriously, you didn't deserve any of that. Not one ounce of it." His hand is warm and I don't flinch away from it. I raise my eyes to his, only finding sympathy in them.

And I look behind him and see Harry standing there, with my forgotten lunch in his hand, looking hurt as his eyes come to rest on Peter.

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