1 - Camelback

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"Harry, be a dear and pass me the water?" I call up ahead. He stops in the middle of the trail and turns his head to face me over his shoulder. The sun beats down on us, casting shadows over the rims of our hats to cover our faces.

"Of course." He stops and waits for me to catch up. Handing me the metal container, he lifts his hat and wipes some perspiration from his forehead. Ever since he cut his hair, he has a problem with it always being in his face. He can't tie it back in a pony tail or bun anymore, and I think he regrets it.

"You know, we've been here for almost six months and I don't think I'll ever quite get used to seeing mountains." I say, taking another big gulp of water.

"Me too." Harry agrees, taking the water bottle back from me and drinking some before putting it back in his backpack.

I check my watch, "We should get going soon, don't want to miss your meeting."

We take one last glance at the beautiful red and orange landscape before turning back the way we came. Arizona is far different from Illinois. In Chicago, we had dirty streets and tall metallic buildings. In Phoenix, we have beautiful lakes cuts into canyons, and not to mention actual cactuses. I teased Harry about the cactuses for a couple months after we moved here.

Was I crazy to move to another city with a man I haven't even known a year? Probably a little. However, the feeling I get when I'm around Harry is one I haven't ever felt before. Sure, he's a lot more busy now that he's about to be signed to an actual record company; and sure, we don't spend near as much time together now, especially once I start school in a couple weeks, but the feeling is still there, however muted it may be.

I think back to all the times Harry has very nearly saved my life in the past nine months, especially when he protected me from my abusive ex-boyfriend when he came to Chicago for revenge. Everything seems so different now.

My boots slide a little on the dusty trail, bringing me from the thoughts. Harry walks in front of me, wearing a light white tank top that beautifully flatters his tan skin covered in tattoos. I, on the other hand, am wearing a long sleeved jacket and work out pants that fully cover all my scars.

My ex certainly knew how not to treat a girl. My body is nearly covered in white scars, some small--maybe from a cigarette--some bigger and wider, like the one from when I had to get a hysterectomy. It's not that I'm embarrassed about the scars, I'm just not too open about that sort of thing. I don't like the prying eyes of strangers making assumptions based on my looks.

Harry bounces with each step in front of me, leading us down the winding mountain. It wasn't the first time we hiked Camelback, it was actually one of the first things we did together once we moved here. It was nice to leave the dingy cold street of Chicago for the hot valley that Phoenix inhabits.

My hair has actually lightened even more since moving here. It used to be a dull, dusty blonde. But now, lines of platinum and gold streak from my roots. Harry thinks my eyes seem brighter, too. I never quite understood how grey could ever look bright. Maybe it's just because it's sunny here and he can actually see my eyes.

"You have the keys?" I call out to him once we approach our vehicle. We pooled our money bought a somewhat dingy jeep once we moved to Arizona. It's actually nicknamed a "mushroom jeep" because there isn't "mushroom" in it. Get it? Like "much room?" Harry got a kick out of that.

He jangles the keys above his head before unlocking the doors. The white exterior is covered in dust from driving through the desert roads. There's a few small dents here and there but it gets us around so it works just fine.

"I'm so tired." I mutter once inside. Harry just nods in agreement. He's acting strange today: quiet and not as kind as he usually is.

I decide to ask him what's up, "You good?"

He shrugs, "I just don't know if I'm ready to be tied down to a legitimate record company. It feels like it's not the right thing to do." He sticks the key in the ignition.

I bite my lip, "You've been saying that a lot lately. Have you talked to the guys about it?"

The guys. Harry's motley crew of a band. They all found each other shortly after we moved here. There's Ash, the drummer, who has always been kind to me whenever I've been around him. But then there's Finn, guitar and backup vocals, who is never really kind to anyone.

"They still think it's wrong of me to be signed to a record company solo, since we've been performing as a group for a few months." He leans his head back again the head rest, closing his eyes.

"What does Ash think? He seems like the more reasonable of the two."

"Him and Finn are in agreement, the bastards." He jokes, finally easing the tension in the car. His dimples deepen, if only for a moment.

"Well, I say you go to the meeting anyway and voice your concerns. Tell them you want full control of your music and everything. I'm not really sure how that works, I've never imagined being looked at for a record deal." I mumble the last part.

He looks at me softly, "Katie, give it a minute. You've been doing shows all summer, I'm sure someone will reach out to you soon."

"It won't matter soon. I'll be able to get an actual job once I finish my degree. Probably end up sitting in a cubicle somewhere for the rest of my life. Steady pay. No more gigs." Needless to say I'm not entirely happy with my chosen career path.

"You don't have to stop singing, you've still got the most amazing voice I've ever heard." Harry reaches across the seat and gently rests his hand on top of mine. His tan skin and dark tattoos really stand out against my pale white hands.

"I just don't know that I'll have time. Fall semester starts next week. I'll have class, and homework, and work on top of that. God, why did I decide to go back to school?" I rub my temple with my free hand.

"Everything will be okay, Katie, trust me."

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