Chapter 10

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"Hon, look what happened when we left her alone. Our baby already got into an accident and had amnesia." Mrs. Taylor said.

"Mom. I'm fine the doctor sai--"

"Look she doesn't even call me mommy anymore. Oh my poor baby." Mrs. Taylor went over and hugged Ailey.

"Now, now honey it's going to be okay we'll help her remember. As for you young lady. Starting from now on you're not allowed to drive. Understand." Eventhough he said that with all smiles Ailey can still feel the threat.

"Of course dad. I understand."

Whooo. Ailey's parent's sure are worrywarts. It must be nice to have a doting parents like this...

My mother was a rape victim. Yes, I was born out of a malicious crime, but instead of despising me for being born my mother instead loved me with all her heart. She never once blamed my existence for being mocked by our neighborhood. After I was born many rumors spread around, they said my mother was a "loose woman" for already having a child when she was only 17. She never onced clarified any of the rumors, due to the fact that she was afraid that I would be bullied because of this.

From the moment I was born the only parent I've ever known is my mother. She showered me with love everyday. She worked tirelessly just to feed two mouths everyday. Since she had to raised me she was forced to stop attending school, but instead work for minimum wage jobs just to feed me all the nourishments I need. Because my mother is still young and sttill has a frail body she couldn't handle the fatigue and eventually collapsed. I was only 12 years old at that time. I don't know what to do, but I knew I have to get helped. I hailed a taxi and grabbed my mom's purse and told the driver to drive to the nearest hospital.

After the doctor checked my mother's health he said that besides fatigue my mother also has stage 3 ulcer and has to be treated imediately. (A/n Let's just imagine that's how ulcer works😅😅😅. I honestly don't know how it works. I am no doctor so pardon if I get everything wrong. Let's just use our imagination😅😅)

It was because my mother is putting almost nothing in her stomach. She made sure that I atleast get to eat even if it caused her health. The doctor said that my mom has to get operated imediately. They told me that I should call someone cause they can't start the operation without atleast a downpayment.

At that time I only know my mom only has me. I begged for them to operate my mother, but to no use, they only told me to go home. I tried to make my mom's life atleast a little bit comfortable, but to no avail she still passed away after a month.

I could still remember the last words she said to me....

I woke up when someone suddenly patted my head.

"Mom, are you ok, are you all better now? Does anything still hurts. Please tell me I'll help you. I'm sorry that I fell asleep. I should be taking care of you but I fell asleep."

"Don't worry sweetheart. Mom is all better now thanks to your dillegence of taking care of me this past few days.Thank you Ailey. Because of me you have to stop attending school for a while just to take care of me."

"Mom it's okay. I told my teachers what situation we are in and they allowed me to have an early school break so I can take care of you. But mom are you sure you're okay? But the doctor said that you have to get treated imediately."

"They're just saying that. Look, I look as strong as ever. This is all thanks to Ailey's hardwork. Why don't you sleep first, you look exhausted. Just sleep tight I'll just cook you your favorite adobo."

"No mom. Let me do it----"

"Don't worry sweetheart let mom do it."

"Ok if you say so. But if anything happens please wake me up imediately."

"Don't worry, don't worry. Go on now sleep. I love you."

"Love you too mom."

What time is it? It's already 12pm?! I slept for 5 hours?!.

"Mom? Where are you?" I tried calling her from upstairs multiple times, but to no avail she didn't answer. I decided to go down and see what she's up to.

When I finally saw her sitting in the sofa I finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Mom, there you are. Why didn't you answer when I called you? I thought something bad happened to you." I tried waking her up but......

"Mom? Mom? Wake up it's time for lunch. Mom?" I tried checking her breathing. That's when I started to panick.

"Mom? MOM PLEASE WAKE UP. MOM? PLEASE." I tried listening to her heartbeat, but theres nothing anymore.

"Mom you can't do this to me. Please I need you. Don't leave me alone please. Please somebody help." I kept repeating the call for help but no one came. I cried endlessly for a few hours untill a knock came through the door."

"Who's there?"

"Your mom sent me here today. She said to take care of you? What exactly happened? She sounded ill on the phone."

"M-m-my mom. Pl-pl-please help her. Please I'm begging you."

"What? What happened?"


"Umm, miss let me come with you?"

"No child. It's better if you stay here. Why don't you pack your things from today onwards you're going to live with me."

"Okay, but is my mom really alright?"

"Yes, sweetie your mom is alright."

"Okay, take care of her for me."

After they left I felt hunger, that I suppressed, coming back. I looked for something to eat in the kitchen and found the adobo mom promised me. I ate it and it was......... delicious.

"I hope mom will come back soon. So we could eat the remaining adobo together........."


After remembering all those memories, a tear suddenly esacaped from my eyes.

"Sweetie, why are you crying is there something wrong?"

"Should I call the family doctor?"

"No, mom and dad. I just want to say thank you. Thank you for loving me. Even if I don't remember anything I know that you loved me very dearly and for that I want to thank you."

"Oh my. Sweetie, of course we love you. Tell you what why don't you sleep in our room tonight. Just like what we did when you were a kid. Back then if you had a nightmare you would come to our room and sleep with us. Why don't we do it again?"

"I would like that" Ailey agreed.

So I present to you chapter 10. Hope you like it. Sorry if it's a bit long I have a lot to unpack, but hopefully you enjoyed it.

Yes I know that I made shit tons of mistake, especially on the medical side of the flashbacks. I didn't reasearch it properly, but since this is fictional, let us just use our imagination hehehez😅😅😅😅

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