I Resent The Party Scene

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TW: Implied rape, drugging, and underage drinking.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

"I don't even know why I'm going in the first place." I told my roommate, Janice. "Because you liiike him!" Janice replied as she was putting on the finishing touches to my makeup. I rolled my eyes at what she said. I really didn't like him. "Girl, you wouldn't have swiped on him if you didn't like him," she said. "I only swiped on him because I thought he was cute and it was only to hook up. Remember?" Now she's the one to roll her eyes at me. "Why can't you just let love into your life? I know we've only known each other for a short time but, based on your Netflix history, I know you're itching for a man. Also, pout your lips." Janice was right, though. I've been single since my big break up junior year of High School. (That's 16 years old for those of you that don't know!) I want to get back into the dating game but I'm afraid of getting hurt again. 

"Okay, look in the mirror," Janice instructed me. "Oh my god! I look amazing Jan! Thank You!" I exclaimed. "See I told you I should drop out and be a beauty guru!" we both laughed at her statement. I look at my phone and see the time. "Oh Shit! I gotta go soon! Help me pick out my clothes?" I pleaded. Janice is a beauty icon to me and I'm pretty meh. Not to be a pick me girl or anything but it's true. Janice has a nice body, gorgeous straight brown hair that's super healthy, and she's always dressed to the gods. I'm usually in sweats with my hair pulled up out of my face. We're both comfortable and happy with how we look but sometimes I wonder what it's like to be her. 

"Uhh hello? Earth to (Y/N)!" She pulled me out of my thoughts. "I'm letting you borrow one of my shirts. It's nothing too fancy but it beats a boring old tee-shirt. If you get it dirty you're buying me a new one." I walk into the dorm bathrooms to change and take a look at what Janice picked out for me. Black ripped skinny jeans, A black mock neck  top with pink hearts embroidered on it, a belt, some silver necklaces, and my vans. I went back into my dorm to thank Janice once more for helping me get ready and to grab my jean jacket since it's November and that usually means cold in Chicago. 

As I walked downstairs I turned on my location so Janice can stalk me through out the night and make sure I'm safe. "Well, well, well" I look up from my phone. There I see Luke, my date for the night. I have to admit as much as I don't want to go to this party, Luke was looking extra fine tonight.  "Ready to go?" he asks. "Uh Yeah!" I answer as we walk outside, a little nervous. I had never been to a college party before so I don't know what to expec- Holy shit that's a nice car. "Is this yours?!" I asked Luke after being shaken from my thoughts. "Haha, yeah. My dad bought it for me. It's a-" As Luke went on about how amazing his car is, I couldn't help but get nervous again. Not to mention, this kid seems like a little bit of a douche but this is my second time meeting him so I suppose I'll play nice. 

*Time Skip*

Luke parks the car in front of a house that looks kinda dark. "Is this where the party is?" I asked, confused. "Uhh no." He said it like I was dumb. "It's a few blocks down but there's no good parking over there so I just park here." I nod my head to tell him I understand and we get out of the car. 

The party ended up being at his friend's apartment. I quickly sent Janice my location and a text so she knows where I'm at and that I made it here safely. She sent back a picture of her eating Goldfish Crackers with a thumbs up. I chuckled at her silliness. Just then, Luke approaches me with a drink. "What's in it?" I asked cautiously, since I don't really know him too well. "Don't worry, I didn't do anything to it." I decided to trust him and take a sip. He put more booze than I would've liked but that's okay, I guess. Luke went to talk with his friends. Apparently they're all in a band? I think they're called 4 seconds of winter? I don't know I wasn't paying attention. 

I go to refill my drink just as Luke came back up to me. "Here I got it for you." He smiles at me. I decided to check my instagram as he fixed my drink. Rookie mistake. As I take a sip from my drink, I see Luke out of the corner of my eye look at his friends. They're all laughing at me but, why? Luke whispers in my ear, "Let's remake the first night we met, babe. You remember, don't you? When we hooked up in your dorm room." Just then, I realized what was going on. I threw the rest of my drink at him, knowing his shirt was probably expensive and that he probably cares more about it than me. Then, as fast as I could, got out the door and down the stairs. Once I got to the streets I started feeling dizzy. Fuck. I tried to call Janice but, of course, the one time I need her, she didn't pick up. 

I stumble across the street not knowing where I'm going. "(Y/N)! Get back here." I turn around to see Luke. I quickly turn into an alleyway. I know it's not the safest choice but- oof. I turn to apologize, just then "Girlie, I don't care how much you want to meet the band. You are not getting backstage." I hear the mysterious person say. "I-I'm sorry. I'm trying to get away from evil boyfriend." I stumble over my words and try to form a sentence. "Wait. So you don't know the band performing tonight?" the person asks me. "N-no sir." I hear foot steps coming down the alley and I think the person, who I presume to be a security guard, does too. "Fine. I'll let you in but only because that man looks threatening." the guard said as he opens the door for me. 

I stumble into the building, suddenly even dizzier now. It's loud but I don't care at this point. I find a couch to sit on until I'm feeling better. As I sit down, I ended up passing out on the couch. 

*Time Skip*

"Do you have any idea who she is?" "Maybe?" I wake up to hear more mysterious voices. Once I open my eyes, I'm greeted with four new faces. One with longer hair, another with short brown hair, a green haired kid, and a fabulous man with a darker skin tone. "I think she's the one that got hit with the shoe." said the long haired one. "Diiid. Yoooou. Geeet. Hiiiiit. Wiiiiith. A. Shooooe?" The green one asked me, slowly. "I- uh," I whispered. "Awsten, man, you probably scared her." the short haired one chimed in. "Oh sorry." The green one, Awsten, replied. "Well, I can assure you I did not get hit by a shoe." I said. "Last thing I remember was being at a party." The boys gave each other a weird look. "Do you know who we are?" Awsten asked. "No, she doesn't." said another voice, who I recognize as the security guard who helped me. "Here baby, I got you some water." The guard handed me a water bottle and explained to the boys why I was in their backstage area.

Once the security guard left, the four boys turned back to me. "So uhh" the fabulous one said. "I'm Awsten!" The green haired boy stuck his hand out for me to shake, which I accepted. "This is Geoff," he points to the short haired one, "and Otto." the long haired one, "We're in a band called Waterparks! Oh and this is De'Wayne, who is not from Waterparks but is equally as cool. He opened up for us." Awsten explained. "Well, Waterparks and De'Wayne, I'm sorry for sleeping through your concert." I said. "Nah it's okay. I'm sorry that some creepy dude was trying to come after you." Awsten said. "Hey Awsten, we gotta go pack up the equipment." said Otto. "Okay! I'll be there in a bit I wanna get to know our new friend!" said Awsten. 

"Sooo do you have a name? Or should I refer to you as the girl who crashed our backstage area." I giggled at Awsten's comment. "I'm (Y/N). Also, not from Waterparks and I'm definitely not as cool." Awsten laughed at my joke. "Haha, well if (Y/N) isn't from Waterparks then, what does she do?" "I'm an Astronomy major over at the University of Chicago." I tell him. Awsten's jaw drops a little. "Damn so you're like, smart, huh?" I laughed again. "I mean, I guess you can say that. I definitely don't feel smart after tonight, though." That caused Awsten's facial expression to soften. "Hey. Whatever happened to you tonight wasn't your fault." He said. He was right but I still feel dumb about it. I didn't know what to say back so I just asked ,"Do you have a charger?" to quickly change the subject. Awsten nods and tells me to follow him. 

(And that concludes Chapter 1! It's 3:30 am and I have midterms but I'll try to update soon! I hope y'all enjoyed it!!) - Lulu

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