Do you feel it too?

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TW: Anxiety, mentions of sex

*Awstens POV*

I walked out of my hotel room texting (Y/N). Suddenly, I bumped into Otto and De'Wayne. "Oh! Hey Awsten! Wanna join us for breakfast?" Otto spoke up. "Actually, I can't. I'm going out with someone else haha." I said awkwardly. De'Wayne and Otto gave each other a look and then De'Wayne looked back at me with a smirk. "Oh? and might that someone be the girl from last night?" De'Wayne asked while Otto snickered. My cheeks heated up. "Yeah and so what? It's not like I like her or anything!" I practically yelled down the hallway. Thats when my words hit me. Shit. I'm not catching feelings, am I? "Uhh yeah, you are." Otto said. "Huh?" "You were speaking out loud." Oh. I earned a deep sigh from Otto and a pat on the back from De'Wayne. "Well, good luck brother" De'Wayne said. I smiled at him as a thanks.

This is where I would say we went our separate ways but we soon realized that we all had to take the same elevator. After getting out, they went one way and I got into my Uber. (Damn, this story should be sponsored by them lol!) I put in my AirPods, since I didn't want to listen to whatever top 40's station they had on. Not paying attention, I thought about (Y/N). Wondering if she was thinking about me. She must've been if she invited me to breakfast. Maybe this is a one time thing, though. What if today is the last time I see her? I have to make it count. 

As we drove on, I got more nervous. I wasn't nervous to see (Y/N), she made me feel comfortable. No. I don't know why I'm nervous. I started to shake vigorously. I felt hot and cold at the same time. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I closed my eyes and started getting flashbacks to last night. Hitting the bus. Seeing the driver in an awful state. Geoff being an angry bitch for whatever reason. "Hey! You okay kid?" My driver shook me from from my thoughts. "Um yeah s-sorry, can you just let me out here?" The driver pulled over, I made sure to give them a generous tip on the app and I walked the rest of the way to the restaurant, trying to clear my head. 

All bad thoughts left me when I saw (Y/N) and her friend sitting at a booth together. (Y/N) had a softer, more innocent look to her outfit today. It was cute. Her friend was cute too but not really my type. I sat down across from the two. "Hey! Sorry I'm late! I ran into Otto and De'Wayne after I left." I explained to the girls. "That's okay! I ordered you a water since I don't know what you usually drink." (Y/N)'s cheeks started to blush. Damn it, she's so adorable. "Waters great but, for future reference, if we're out for breakfast I get orange juice." I winked at (Y/N) after finishing my sentence. "Where are my manners? Hi, I'm Awsten." I say while extending my hand. "I'm Janice. Nice to meet you." (Y/N)'s friend, Janice, replied taking my hand. I look at the menu when I hear Janice whisper to (Y/N). I can't hear what she's saying, though. 

"Please excuse us Awsten, but (Y/N) has to use the bathroom." Janice said while escorting (Y/N) to the bathroom. I giggled as they walked off. I then get a text from Geoff. 

Geoffy Boy: Hey.

Me: hey

Geoffy Boy: I wanna apologize for last night. I know it's not your fault that the bus crashed and it was wrong of me to take my anger out on you. 

Me: It's okay. I'm sorry for acting like a bit of an idiot after the concert. I just wanted to make sure (Y/N) wasn't hurt. 

Geoffy Boy: No, I understand. You were trying to do the right thing. 

Geoffy Boy: Also, be back by 5 pm. I know you're on a date rn thx to Otto lol us Parx boys are getting dinner tonight and talking about it. 


*(Y/N)'s POV*

Janice pulled me into the bathroom and squeals. "What!?" I whisper yell. "Bro, Awsten likes you!" She whisper yelled back. I gave her a tired look, "You've only known him two seconds. How do you know he likes me?" "Uhhh, did he not just say he wants to see you for future breakfast dates?" she asked. Oh shit. She's right. I immediately got as excited as her and we both started jumping up and down. Just then, a waitress walks in on us jumping and awkwardly walks into a stall. Janice and I compose ourselves. "Okay, you need to act cool," Janice said, "I'm gonna leave-" "WHAT!" I cut her off. "Yes! So y'all can have some alone time!" My mouth went dry from nerves but I shook my head yes. 

Janice and I walk back to the booth where Awsten is seen staring at the menu. Shit, we've been gone too long. I sit down and Janice grabs her purse. Awsten raises an eyebrow, "Are you not staying for breakfast?" He asks. "Oh no! I have places to be!" Janice exclaimed. "Oh, cool. Where you headed?" Awsten asked another question. I don't think Janice was prepared for that question, seeing as her face lost almost all color. "I--- uhhhh, have a job interview! At the strip club! Gotta pay my student loans somehow hahaha!!" She laughs nervously before running out of the restaurant. Awsten and I look at each other and laugh. 

The waitress came and took our orders. Awsten got himself an orange juice and a plate of waffles and I just got some pancakes. Awsten and I chatted about anything and everything  until our food came. "So, I don't mean to press any hard questions and you don't have to answer if you don't want to! but was the guy you were with last night driving a black luxury car?" Awsten asked as he shoved waffles into his mouth. I finished chewing before answering, "Uh yeah, his name is Luke. I've only known him for a short time and we've only hung out twice. That's if you can even count either time as hanging out." "What do you mean?" Awsten turned his head inquisitively. "Well, the first time we hung out was because we hooked up and I left almost immediately after." Awsten choked on his food at my answer. Once he got ahold of himself he spoke again, "So, innocent (Y/N) isn't as innocent as I thought." He looked at me with a devilish grin. I laughed at his comment, trying to play it cool. "Haha yeah, uhh and I guess the second time hanging out was last night." Awsten nodded his head. 

We continued with our breakfast until the waitress came back with the check, indicating that we were gonna get kicked out for over welcoming our stay. I went to go grab it but Awsten beat me too it. "Allow me to pay for it. Not only am I a gentleman, but I'm also in a platinum selling band so, I can buy cute girls breakfast." I felt like I was gonna explode. This boy was so flirty and I couldn't handle it. Janice is going to have a field day when I tell her about today. Awsten payed in cash so we can just get up and go. 

As we left the restaurant, Awsten checked his phone. "I have a few hours before I meet my band back at the hotel. Take me on a personal tour of Chicago?" I nodded my head yes and grabbed his hand.

(Not me ignoring my responsibilities and writing fanfic that no one is reading instead lol. I can't stop now tho I'm too invested in this. I hope whoever reads this had a great day :) also I apologize for my awful usage of commas! You would think a college student would learn by now huh) - Lulu

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