This city is insidious

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*(Y/N)'s POV*

Awsten and I spent all day in the city together. First we walked around the loop to see the buildings that Awsten usually sees in passing. We stopped at the Sears tower to say hi to my mom and get Starbucks. Let's just say my mom will be asking me a TON of questions later during our nightly FaceTimes. Then, Awsten and I headed down to Maggie Daley park for a game of mini golf. Now it's 4:20 pm (hehe) and we somehow ended up on the Navy Pier Ferris wheel with the two Build-A-Bears we made each other. 

The ride was pretty silent until Awsten spoke up. "So, I know we've only met less than 24 hours ago but, for some reason, I feel like I've known you my whole life." I giggled awkwardly at his comment. "That's pretty cheesy of you to say." I told the green haired boy. He smiled at me and put his arm around my shoulder. It looked like he was about to lean in but then his phone went off. "Hello........ OH SHIT" He continued his rather loud conversation with whoever called him, as I sat there wondering what all the fuss was about. Once Awsten hung up the call, he looked back at me. "I'm sorry about that, the band and I have plans at 5. I completely lost track of time." He stated. "Don't worry about it! We can go home after this. I have to do some homework tonight anyway." Awsten's expression saddened a little. I won't lie, having to leave him put a bit of a damper on my mood too. 

We walked out of the pier and Awsten seemed a little nervous. "Are you okay?" I ask him. He looks down at me kind of worried, "Will you be okay? Ya know, going home by yourself. I know Chicago is a big city but I don't want you to run into that guy from the other night." I sighed to myself before answering, "I'll be fine. Besides, I'm taking the train and it's about the time people start leaving work. It'll be too crowded for him to even notice me." He still seemed nervous but said a simple okay before walking me to the station. We said our goodbyes and Awsten told me to text him when I get home to assure I'm safe. 

I take out my ventra card and boarded my train. As I predicted, the Metra was pretty busy from people trying to get home after a busy day of work. I knew my stop was kind of far so I stood in the middle/back as to not be in peoples way. As the train made its stops people started to clear out. When I sat down I noticed the boy next to me was a little familiar. He looks at me and that's when I realized I was staring too long. "Excuse me?" He said. I blushed immediately trying to apologize but all that came out were stutters. God, I was so embarrassed. He laughs at me which makes me even more red. "Weren't you at my party last night? You came with Luke, right?" He asked me. I got a bad feeling all of a sudden but I answered him anyway, "Yeah, why?" He leant back in his seat. "If Luke tried anything I want to apologize. He can be an ass sometimes." I stared at the man I just met. "I still don't know who you are." I said to him. "I'm Ashton. The drummer of Lukes band and his best friend." 

 I still felt like I couldn't trust him because of how close he seems to Luke but, he kept me company on the train so I listened to his stories. Finally my stop came, Ashton and I got off together. He was probably on the train to see Luke or something. "Listen, I know this is kinda weird but I want to give you my number or at least my snapchat." He said. I didn't trust him enough to give out my number so I gave him my snap. "Well, (Y/N) it was nice chatting with ya!" He smiled and waved at me before running off. I popped in my headphones and I walked back to campus. 

(Hi y'all! It's a bit of a short chapter again I'm sorry :( I've been swamped with school work tho so updates may be not as often. Also does anyone know how to fix a shift key on a Macbook?) - Lulu

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