Let's talk about shows

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(y/h/c)=your hair color

*Awsten's POV*

I watched (Y/N) walk into her building. I felt stalker-ish doing so, but I had to make sure that guy didn't come back. Once she was inside, I called an Uber and walked back to the front of the campus where we were dropped off last time. I see a really nice, black car pull up but it didn't have a sticker on it. The driver rolls down the window and looks at me. "Are you my Uber?" I asked him. He looks offended by my question, "Uh no? Have you seen a girl around with (y/h/c) hair and was wearing all black, except for her jacket." Was this the guy that tried to hurt (Y/N)? I suddenly felt very angry. "No, I haven't. Maybe try looking somewhere else." I almost snapped that last part at him. The driver gave me an ugly look, rolled up his window, and drove away. 

After that interaction, my actual Uber drove up and I got in. I thought about (Y/N) the whole car ride home. I hope she's going to be safe. Just then, I had a really stupid idea. I pick up my phone and call Geoff. "Awsten, where the hell are you? We have to go. Everything is done being packed up, no thanks to you." I hear Geoff say angrily. I sigh, "We're canceling tomorrows show. I wanna stay in Chicago for at least one more day." I can practically hear Geoff getting angrier. "No! I know you wanna stay for that girl but it isn't fair to the fans!" Geoff was right, it wasn't fair. I gave in to Geoff talking some sense into me and decided to go on with tomorrows show. I was left alone with my thoughts until-

*C R A S H*

Holy fuck. Holy fuck. Holy fuck. My driver just crashed into our bus. The front of the bus was a complete wreck. I was fine for the most part, but my driver looked like he seriously needed some medical attention. I get out of the car and call an ambulance to be sent to our location. Geoff and Otto approach me on the sidewalk. "So, how much did you pay him to crash?" Otto asks. I shot them a dirty look. "I didn't. I don't know why or how he ended up crashing into the bus." I replied. Otto looks back at me and pats my back, "Well, at least you're okay." Otto replies. Geoff said he saw a restaurant that's still open so we all decided to go there and figure out what to do for a hotel. We let the tour mangers deal with the crash since we don't know what to do in that instance.

After eating, we found a reasonably priced hotel to stay at while the bus was being towed. I sent the hotel location to the team group chat (hey like the waterparks song). Then we all went back to the bus to quickly grab our stuff, before it gets pulled away, and head for the hotel. 

At the hotel, Geoff and I made Otto go check us in because neither of us felt like doing it. Geoff and I wait in the lounge, eating the free cookies they serve. I feel like Geoff is still mad at me for suggesting we stay in Chicago. I try to make conversation anyway, "Hey look! They have a free breakfast tomorrow." Geoff looked at me unamused. "I hope you're happy." He says to me. I suddenly feel guilty. I know that the crash wasn't my fault but I still feel like I had something to do with it. 

Otto finally comes back with our room keys and hands them to us. We all take the elevator up and then go our separate ways to our rooms. I throw my bag to the nearest corner and flop onto the bed where I ended up falling asleep for the rest of the night. 

*Time skip*

I wake up to the sound of my phone going off. I groan and answer it, "Hello." "Oh Hey Awsten. I didn't mean to wake you up. Sorry!" I recognize the voice as (Y/N)'s and ultimately had my spirits lifted. "Oh no! Don't worry about it! I had to be up soon anyway!" I told her. "What's going on. Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine. The question is, are YOU okay? I heard the bus got hurt." I laughed at the way she worded her sentence. "Yeah, I'm fine. I think we're gonna be stuck in Chicago for bit, though. Until we can get the bus fixed." I explained. "Oh! Well would you like to go get some breakfast with me and Janice! We can meet at a place that's halfway." She offered. I smiled at the thought of her liking me enough to want to spend time with me. "Sure, but I don't know what's around here. Text me the address." I said before hanging up. 

I check my texts from my team for any updates on the bus situation.

Geoffy boy: So how long is it gonna take to repair the bus?

Zakk: About a few days. We'll have to cancel some shows. 

I decided to reply back 

Me: Are we able to reschedule them for another time?

Zakk: Not unless we push back the UK tour. 

Me: If that's what we have to do, then I'm okay with it.

I got off my phone and started getting ready to go out with (Y/N) and her roommate.

(Woo! Awsten's okay! I hoped y'all enjoyed this chapter! Im gonna take a nap. Oh also WHO ELSE IS EXCITED FOR THE LIVE IN UK DVD) - Lulu

Younger When We Met // Awsten Knight x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now