• Chapter Four •

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With their equipment in hand, the group of five followed Victor as he lead them through the space station.

"ETA until cosmic event is nine hours." Victor announced as he walked ahead.

"If you're good, maybe next time Daddy will let you drive." Johnny smirked, taunting Ben who walked beside him as they followed Victor.

"Keep talking and there won't be a next time." Ben threatened.

"We'd finally get some peace and quiet." Kayla added from her spot behind the two men, which then caused Johnny to trail behind so that he was walking alongside her.

"Upset you couldn't sit up front with Daddy?" The blonde male asked with a teasing glint in his blue eyes.

"You wish you were Daddy." The brunette shot back, making the blonde blink at her in surprise.

Kayla rolled her eyes and caught up to walk alongside Ben while Johnny kept his eyes on her figure as he trailed behind them.

She had gotten a lot feistier and guarded over the years. He couldn't blame her for becoming like that, it was, after all, his fault.

A door slid open, and the group followed Victor inside the Commanding Station with Kayla pausing in step to take a look at the view in front of her, from the top level of the section.

The blackness of space with stars glittering as far as her eyes could see.

"We can monitor the cloud's approach and observe the tests from here." Susan announced as she walked past Kayla towards the stairs to the lower level.

"Is it safe?" Ben asked as he stopped beside Kayla, taking in the sight of their workspace.

Reed came to a stop beside them. "The shields on the station should protect us." He replied while his eyes scanned the various equipment.

"Should?" Ben asked warily.

The brunette folded her arms. "That makes me feel so much better." She said, sarcasm dripping in her tone.

"What's the matter, Ben?" Victor asked as he made his way towards the trio. "You getting paranoid in your old age?"

"You are such a--" Kayla glared at him fiercely and started making her forward, when a hand covered her mouth, cutting her off in mid-sentence while another hand kept her in place.

Victor smirked at the woman as she was held back by Ben while Reed made his way over to diffuse the situation.

"Let's start loading those samples." Reed suggested and turned towards his sister and friend. "Kayla, could you help Ben suit up?"

The brunette's hazel eyes glanced towards Victor before landing on her brother. She gave a nod which made Ben uncover her mouth.

The two turned on their heel but paused when Victor spoke up again.

"So, I see you still do all the heavy lifting and Kayla obeying big brother's commands." He said before turning towards Reed. "Maybe you should've stayed in the lab. Field work never suited you."

Kayla was fuming but Ben surprisingly remained calm and turned towards the taunting man.

"He does the talking, I do the walking, and Kayla makes sure everything runs smoothly. Got it?" He questioned.

Victor smirked at the blue eyed male. "So, take a walk, Ben, and make sure everything runs smoothly, Kayla." He countered.

"Okay, that's it you ass--" Kayla snapped, making her way forward only to be pulled back and have her mouth covered once again, this time by her brother.

Her mumbled curses could still be heard through Reed's hand while Victor stood up straight and smirked.

"Actually, if you all would excuse me, I would like to borrow Susan for a moment." He said, looking over at the blonde woman who looked back with surprise.

Ben and Reed glanced at each other before the scientist nodded slowly. "Sure." He said slowly.

All of a sudden, Reed felt something warm and wet on his hand and it only took him a split second to realise what it was before he retracted his hands with a disgusted look.

"Really?" He questioned.

"What?" Kayla asked with an innocent shrug. "You wanted me to help Ben with his suit, remember?" She added with a small smirk as she followed Ben's steps.

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