• Chapter Thirteen •

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That night, once the tests had been concluded, Reed sat down with Susan and Kayla discussing what they've learnt so far about each of their powers. He had then went on to mention about their blue suits that they all wore when they got hit by the cloud.

"Hold on.." Kayla stopped him. "Are you saying that when we got hit by the cloud, that our suits may have adapted to our powers as our bodies changed?" She asked.

"It's only a theory." Reed replied.

The brunette smirked at her older brother. "Then let's test it, shall we?" She asked and got to her feet, quickly running to her bedroom. She pulled out her gym bag and reached inside, pulling out her blue suit before she quickly made her way back into the lab.

She held the suit up as she entered. "Let's have a look." She said.

She walked over to one of her brother's microscopes and placed the item of clothing underneath. She looked through, adjusting the lens to get a close up look, only to find that the fibres of the material were in fact changing but in her case, it was sort of a type of protection since her body didn't go through drastic changes like the others.

"Well.." She began, pulling away and holding her suit. "Reed was definitely onto something. The fibres have changed like we did. A few examples would be, Sue's suit would turn invisible when she does, Johnny's would adapt to fire so none of us will be scarred having to see him naked and Reed, youre's would be able to stretch as far as you do."

"Fascinating.." Reed said, nodding his head quite intrigued.

"Our uniforms were exposed to the storm just like us, so they can transform like us

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"Our uniforms were exposed to the storm just like us, so they can transform like us." Kayla explained, sporting her suit alongside her brother and the Storm siblings the next morning. "I, however, don't have the physical differences that each of you do so mine is more.. Protective, I guess you could say."

"Becoming invisible in Sue's case, changing size on demand for me and remain impervious to flames for Johnny." Reed added on.

Ben, who had refused to get into his suit, snorted as he got a good look at the four. "You guys look like an 80's rock band." He said with a chuckle.

After assessing the item in her hands, Susan tilted her head towards the rocky figure on the couch. "You know, Ben, this material stretches." She said. "I'm sure Kayla and I can figure out a way to make it fit."

Kayla nodded at him with a smile to which Ben waved the women off.

"I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that." He said, waving his metal cup of soda around.

"I love these costumes!" Johnny said, grinning manically as he ran his hands up and down his suit. "They're missing something, though, right? Like spice?" He added, trying to come up with a word for what he was insinuating to.

Reed let out a sigh and turned towards the blonde male. "They're not costumes." He said.

"You can't use your powers in public, Johnny." Susan said with a stern tone watching her little brother throw around a couple of poses.

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