• Chapter Twelve •

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The following morning, the tests went underway.

Kayla sat on a chair in front of her brother and Susan, surrounded by various equipment and clipboards.

"So, based from what we've all witnessed, your powers are manipulating and bending water to your will." Reed said, twisting around in his swivel chair to face her.

"Pretty much." The brunette replied with a shrug of her shoulders, leaning back in her chair casually.

Susan looked up from her clipboard and gave the younger Richards sibling a soft smile. "Why don't we test out your abilities? That way, we can see what else you are capable of with water manipulation." She suggested.

Kayla was a little hesitant towards the idea but nodded. "Cool." She said and stood up once Reed had placed a glass of water in front of her.

Taking in a deep breath, she held her hand out towards the glass and sure enough, the water rose from it.

Both Reed and Susan looked on in fascination and wrote in down in their notes.

Over the next course of an hour to two hours, they discovered that Kayla could not only manipulate and bend water to her will, but she could also make a protective barrier around herself - like she had done on the bridge- as well as make the water steam at boiling point and turn it into ice.

They had ended her testing off with the protective barrier which fascinated Reed even more.

"Amazing!" He exclaimed. "So the water dome protected you on the bridge?" He asked.

The younger sibling hummed with a nod. "Although the downfall to it was that it felt like my energy had dissipated and caused my nose to bleed." She explained. "But I think the more I use it, the stronger I'll be at holding it."

Reed nodded, concluding his notes along with Susan before the next test went underway.

Johnny had stepped into a titanium heat chamber where the extent of his powers could be tested, with Reed, Susan and Kayla assessing from a separate chamber next to a computer which monitored the playboy's heat and vitals

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Johnny had stepped into a titanium heat chamber where the extent of his powers could be tested, with Reed, Susan and Kayla assessing from a separate chamber next to a computer which monitored the playboy's heat and vitals.

"You're good to go, Johnny." Susan spoke to her little brother over the speaker before focusing her gaze on the computer screen with Reed while Kayla stood with a clipboard in hand.

Johnny lit his hand on fire, glancing down at his body before he dropped his arm and ignited his entire body while his sweats completely turned into ash in the process.

The brunette watched as a bright orange glow seeped through the chamber before shifting her gaze onto the monitor where a look of surprise washed over her features.

"He's heating up from his core." Reed said with wonder.

Kayla stared at the monitors with fascination. Any normal person would have died and their body, bones included, turned into ash but here was Johnny, as if this was the most normal thing in the world with his temperature quickly on the rise.

"And his vitals are completely normal." She added.

They continued to watch the blonde male's spiking temperature but soon became worried once it had surpassed 2 000 Kelvin.

"It's hotter than I anticipated." Reed mumbled before moving over to the microphone. "Okay, Johnny, back it down." He instructed.

"I can go hotter!" Johnny called back, loud enough for them to hear.

"Johnny, just back it down." Susan said, ignoring her brother's reply.

Kayla frowned shifting her gaze back to the titanium chamber only for her to narrow her eyes as the orange glow got brighter and brighter, the vents along the side of it beginning to turn red and melt.

She looked over at the monitor which kept track of his temperature only to see that it surpassed 3 500 Kelvin and it was only then when she felt the air in the room..

Was this man really this idiotic to play with their lives?

"Johnny, back it down right now!" Reed yelled as parts of the equipment gave off sparks or blew from the intense heat.

"Johnny!" Susan called to her brother while Kayla made her way towards the panel where she slammed her hand on a button, initiating the foaming extension of the chamber.

All of a sudden, the sound of Johnny's laughter filled Susan and the Richards siblings' ears as they walked out of their chamber only to find that there was a gaping hole in the titanium chamber with melted metal still coating the outer ring.

"Buzzkills!" The playboy called to them, completely covered in white foam. "You guys are crampin' my style."

"Johnny, you were at 4 000 Kelvin." Susan said. "Any hotter and you're approaching supernova."

The younger Storm sibling's eyes shone with an excited gleam. "Sweet!" He exclaimed.

"No, not 'sweet!'" Kayla fired back. "Do you realise that, that's the temperature of the sun?" She asked.

"And not only could you kill yourself," Reed added. "But you could also set fire to Earth's atmosphere and destroy all human life as we know it."

Johnny stared up at his sister and the Richards siblings with shock. Maybe supernova wasn't a great idea any more.

"Got it! Supernova, bad!" He said and gave them two foamy thumbs-up.

Kayla groaned and palmed her face with a shake of her head. "I work with a child." She muttered to herself before dropping her hand.

"Hang in there, Storm." She said and made her way down the stairs. "I'll grab you a towel."

"Or you could join me and we could have a private foam party?" He replied with a suggestive smirk.

The brunette glared at him as she passed the chamber. "In your dreams." She said.

"You're always in them!" He called after her.

She gave a roll of her hazel eyes as she grabbed a towel from the cupboard in the hallway. She then made her way back over to the melted chamber and threw the towel at him, much like Susan had done to Reed before they went up to space before leaving the lab altogether.

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