• Chapter Twenty-One •

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About a week later, a party was held on a boat, thanking the Fantastic Five for their heroic work in defeating Victor Von Doom.

Kayla stood beside Susan at the bar as she got themselves as well as Alicia Masters a glass of sparkling champagne. The women had finally gotten the chance to meet the woman who had Ben so smitten.

Alicia was a young African American woman who was blinded in both eyes but was very skilled in seeing without the use of her vision which had honestly impressed the blonde and brunette very much.

"Here's your drinks." Bernie, the bartender, announced, handing the women their glasses.

Alicia let out a soft giggle and waved her hand. "I don't think we need another." She said.

"Just one more." Susan smiled, handing the woman her glass of champagne.

Kayla took a sip of hers when, all of a sudden, she felt strong arms wrapping themselves around her waist as a head came into close contact with her neck, the person's hot breath on her neck.

"Having a good time?" The familiar voice of Johnny Storm filled her ears.

"Mmhmm.." She hummed happily as she turned in his embrace to look up at him as he gave her a soft smile, not even realising that both Susan and Alicia had left to give them some time alone.

After defeating Victor, both Kayla and Johnny sat down and discussed their relationship, coming to an agreement of taking it a day at a time.

Johnny knew that he couldn't blame her as Kayla was still a bit hesitant towards the idea of allowing the younger Storm sibling back into her life, let alone trusting him with her heart again.

But tonight had just proved her wrong and gave her new hope.

Not once did she turn to find Johnny flirting with women and even though he was surrounded by a group who wanted his attention, he simply turned a blind eye.

Jonathan Lowell Spencer Storm made it his life's mission to prove to Kayla that he was committed to her and only her.

"Come on." She said, patting his chest lightly.

"Where are we going?" He asked with a little pout.

The 5'2" brunette rolled her eyes with a smile. "Would you just follow me, Storm?" She asked teasingly.

"To the ends of the Earth." The blonde replied instantly with a wink.

Kayla fought so hard to bite back her smile but failed at it miserably. "That was so cheesy." She giggled and took hold of his hand and led him over towards Ben and Alicia.

"Ben, did he do it yet?" She asked upon arrival.

Ben gave her a grin in response and nodded his head towards the deck of the boat where she found her older brother down on one knee, sliding a ring onto an invisible Susan's finger before they shared a kiss.

Kayla let out an excited squeal which made Johnny chuckle at her excitement as the guests began to gather around the three remaining heroes.

"So cute!" She exclaimed as the guests began calling out to the newly engaged couple, which made both Reed and Susan look over at them with shy smiles.

The brunette let go of Johnny's hand and walked over to her brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law with a bright smile, where she then gave each of them a hug.

Johnny stood beside Ben, watching the woman he loved interact with her brother and his sister with a lovesick smile on his face, his eyes shining with admiration.

With Alicia, cuddled into his side, Ben tore his gaze away from the engaged couple and Kayla to look at the blonde beside him. "Hey," He said, catching the younger Storm sibling's attention. "No more wisecracks about the way I look."

A playful smirk broke out on Johnny's lips. "Hey," He patted the big guy's shoulder gently. "Call me 'Mr Sensitivity.'" He replied, which made Ben give him a slight nod.

Johnny's smirk widened as Ben played right into his hand.

"Okay!" He shouted loudly with a grin as he began walking towards the deck, pushing past several guests as they turned to him in question. "Wide load coming through! Everybody move, he's huge!"

The rocky man quickly let go of Alicia and began charging after the grinning blonde. "Come here, Mr Sensitive!" He taunted.

Kayla turned towards Johnny and gave him a look as a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "What did you do?" She asked him as he arrived onto the deck.

Johnny merely grinned and winked at her in response, quickly glancing over his shoulder to see a fast approaching Ben.

"Flame on!" The blonde male exclaimed, igniting his body in flames as he took to the skies of New York.

Ben came to a stop beside Kayla, Reed and Susan, looking up at the burning figure that flew above them. "Show off!" He yelled and wrapped an arm around Alicia.

Kayla shook her head with a fond smile as she watched Johnny create a large fiery '5' in the middle of the sky with a ring of fire around it.

The Fantastic Five symbol.

"Can't argue with you there, Ben." She let out a soft giggle and took a sip of the sparkling bubbly in her glass as she stared at the sky.

But Jonathan Lowell Spencer Storm was her show off.

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