• Chapter Five •

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Johnny entered the lock where Ben and Kayla stood, his blue gaze focusing onto the brunette who had just finished helping Ben slip his helmet on.

"Kayla." He greeted with a smile.

"Jonathan." She replied in monotone.


He sighed to himself softly before he quickly recovered and made his way towards Ben, where he clipped an oxygen tank to the back of his space suit while Kayla made sure everything was in order with his suit.

"Please tell me your guy is not trying to rekindle things with my sister again." Johnny said as he made sure the tank was secure and moved around to adjust Ben's helmet.

"Of course not. It's strictly business." Ben reassured him as he waited for Johnny and Kayla to finish their inspection.

"Yes, well, his eyes say differently, don't they?" The blonde pointed out.

"Hey, two hearts got busted last time." Ben said. "Maybe she's not over it either. How about Kayla? Another heart seemed to have gotten busted in the process."

"Wow, Dr Phil, that's deep!" Johnny said mockingly after he hid the fact that the mention of Kayla's heartbreak had affected him. "Let's think about that. You've got Victor: More money than God, stud of the year. You've got Reed: World's dumbest smart guy, worth less than a postage stamp. That's a real toss-up."

"God, you're such an asshole!" Kayla exclaimed with a glare, making both men turn to her. "Don't trouble your tiny little mind, Storm. Wouldn't want that head of yours to explode."

With that Kayla left them and began to set up controls while Johnny led Ben over to the airlock chamber and handed him his briefcase which had the samples inside.

"Don't wander off now, boy." Johnny teased and stepped out, which gave Kayla the signal that everything was good to go.

The brunette punched in a code on the keypad which secured the chamber. Once everything was set, she made her way over to the glass window and watched as Ben went outside.

She could feel a certain pair of blue eyes staring at her.

"What?" She asked, trying to keep her neutral composure as she walked away from the window.

Johnny rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he slowly trailed behind her. "I just want to say that I'm sorry.." He said softly.

She paused in step and turned around, settling her hazel gaze on him and arched a brow. "Jonathan Storm, apologising? I must be in an alternate universe."

"I mean it.." The blonde said, Kayla could see that he was serious but she refused to let her walls crumble.

She stayed silent for a minute before letting out a soft sigh. "Okay.." She said softly.

"Okay?" He repeated slowly.

She nodded slowly. "I know you mean it.." She replied and shifted her gaze to the floor. "But, Johnny what happened back then.. I can't--"

"I know.." He responded softly. "But can I just tell you this?" He asked, taking a step closer towards her until he stood directly in front of her.

"What?.." She asked softly as she stared up at him as his 6'0" frame towered over her 5'2".


"Ben, you need to get inside now!" Reed's voice commanded, cutting Johnny off from speaking further.

The two shifted apart and looked at the scientist with arched brows as he entered the lock.

"What's going on?" The blonde asked.

"I ain't done arranging your flowers yet, Egg Head." Ben's reply came over comms.

Kayla's eyes widened at the sight behind Ben. "Ben, turn around.." She said gravely, moving towards her brother eas she eyed the fast approaching cosmic storm.

"Guys, I'm not going to make it.." Ben replied gravely.

"Ben, you gotta jump! It's the only way!" Johnny encouraged him as he watched the scene with concern.

The trio watched as Ben jumped, leaping towards the airlock chamber.

"Come on, Ben! You got this!" Johnny said as he stood beside the Richards siblings.

Kayla watched the scene with deep worry. Her mind was too preoccupied on getting Ben back inside the station safely, that she didn't realise that she had held onto Johnny's hand.

"Okay, Johnny, get ready to close the portal." Reed instructed as Ben neared the station.

Johnny silently wished he didn't have to let go of Kayla's had but he had no choice. He immediately let go of her hand and ran towards the panel.

Ben managed to make it inside but the impact of the cloud hitting him, had shoved him forward, smashing him against the window just as the portal began to close.

But all of a sudden, Johnny and the Richards siblings' eyes widened as the cloud had pushed through the barrier and engulfed them in a hue of red and orange light.

Each of them screamed out in pain as pulses from the cloud began hitting them repeatedly.

As the pulses continued to batter against her, Kayla's skin began to feel cold and it felt as if her body lightened up in weight.

Through the red and orange hue, she could see that the cloud's pulses were slamming into both her brother and Johnny but it had all quickly turned black as she had given into the darkness.

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