3: Mutiny

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There really isn't a whole lot to see in the wide open countryside. It's just walking up and down rolling hills on the plains, following the forest edge on our right for what feels like forever. It doesn't help when Rin and I kinda keep to ourselves and don't talk too much. It's not that I don't want to talk to her—I do—it's just that I don't know how to approach her about anything. Every time I've tried she has an attitude like I'm wasting her time, despite her apology earlier. Regardless, she knows what's she's doing. Libertas is her territory, and with her leading the way we seem to keep a good pace.

As the day goes on the sun rotates in the sky I can feel its warmth shift from my left side to my right. The wind keeps me cool enough and blows waves in the prairie grass like it's the real thing. Occasionally we see a deer or rabbit, which surprises me. It's the tiny little details that make this world seem so alive, and it's hard to believe that a group of men put this much attention into making it feel so real. At times, it's hard to remember that it's just a game, and I wonder just how big the world of Libertas really is.

As the sun begins to dip below the treetops and fill the sky with a red glow, a small village with wooden palisades comes into sight on top of a hill near the forest's edge. It isn't until now that I realize that the sun seems to have progressed a bit faster than Earth's. We've been walking for about two hours, which, according to Rin, isn't that long of a travel time between places in Libertas.

We pause at the top of the ridge and look down on the village for a moment, but I get distracted. I have to admit that, in the orange sunset light, Rin is absolutely stunning. Her obsidian-black hair in the wind, dainty nose, and those arched eyebrows that overlook her sweeping lashes and vibrant purple eyes. She's shapely. Mysterious. Passionate and focused on everything around her, and I'm pretty sure she's about my age. It's just too bad I'm not sure I have the stamina to withstand her short attitude. She's like a fire: pretty to look at, painful to make contact with. I can only hope that changes with time.

I think she catches me staring at her and I look away quickly.

"That's Cutter's Cry," Rin says. "And I think there's still one more thing for you to learn before we go in there: Libertas is designed to be a big time-consuming distraction from our real-world situation, and it's also primarily a PVP game."

"PVP means player versus player right?" I ask.

Rin nods and looks back to the village ahead. I wipe the sweat off my forehead. The fact that she didn't say anything or notice where my eyes were looking is pretty relieving. I feel bad and vow to keep a better tab on my mind. She says, "Yeah, there's combat against monsters of all different kinds and non-player characters, a main storyline involving the nations at war with one another and the untamed beast lands, but the PVP aspect is where Libertas really shines. Most people, even the developers, focus on the guilds and the wars between them. Plus, when you're making connections with other people, creating guild creeds, and fighting for what you've built together it's a unique and heartfelt experience for every person. Players, guild alliances, towns, they are always changing. It's the game's main attraction because it's always new and fresh and everyone is committed to it."

"So, what does that mean for us?"

Rin shifts her weight and crosses her arms. "It means it would be wise if you are un-trusting of most everyone you meet. You'll find that most people are neutral to you and some are kind-spirited, but a few are out to take advantage of your hard work or just make you miserable for their own laughs."

"Should I include you in that last category?" I blurt.

Rin smiles wide. "Hey now!"

I take a brief moment to thank the digital gods she took my sudden outburst in good humor.

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