29: Growth

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We all celebrate for a short time, just sitting on our rear ends and being happy that it's all over with. Starlight is ours, and the Starlight Roses have been born. To commemorate our new beginnings, the four of us huddle in the center of town and work on designing a coat of arms for the guild while the NPC's work on putting out the last of the fires and securing what's left of the outer wall. A good quarter of it was reduced to ash and charcoal. When we all agree on the symbol to represent the guild, a single red rose that changes from thorny stem to sword hilt atop a silver shield with stars circling it, we talk shop and decide what repairs are the most vital. Of course, we are interrupted when a small squad of our troops march up to us.

Lenard, the bearded, overweight druid accomplice of Alloy, walks among a rag-tag group of the surviving members of the River Raiders. Alongside him are the two rangers from earlier, a monk, a bishop and another druid, none of which I recognize. A squad of our troops usher them forward like how dogs herd sheep, presenting our prisoners to us.

"I suppose it's time we figure out what we're going to do with you guys, huh?" I ask. "Take your gear or set you free... What a debate." I snicker to try to appear menacing, but I really don't intend to relinquish them of their belongings or kill them. I get the reaction I was looking for: disbelief and a dash of concern.

A hand rests on my shoulder. Looking, I see it's Felix glancing down at me and shaking his head in disapproval. "No, we won't be setting them free and we won't be taking their gear unless they try to stir something up. There's a better option here, gentlemen. One far less painful, even less than going home with your tails tucked between your legs for surrendering. I'm aware of what it's like to be in the River Raiders. Being the most powerful guild in Anticore has its advantages and is fun. Most members are true players who devote themselves to getting the most out of the game, in all its aspects. PvP, PvE, crafting, building, you name it.

"The connections and benefits your membership in the River Raiders gives you makes leveling to 20 easy and the dungeons stress-free, but the River Raiders do little for its members' advancement. Focusing primarily on this starting nation, they never give a genuine push to set up settlements in other nations. Leadership prefers to stranglehold this nation, picking up new players to the game by threat of force. You know I'm telling the truth.

"Having just been formed, the Starlight Roses cannot fulfill anything meaningful today, but I want to offer you a promise. All members will be recognized for their contributions to the guild. Lenard, when was the last time you received a promotion? An important task that reaches beyond Alloy's ramblings and fancies? A duty and responsibility that mattered, for the guild and yourself. Were you rewarded justly?"

Lenard thinks for a moment, his sweaty brows creasing in heavy lines until he shrugs.

"That's what I thought," Felix says. "It's been over a year since you've joined them, yet you've only completed one character cycle, and that required you to go out on your own, beyond the River Raider's territory and into the other nations. Not an easy task. So, let me be clear: I envision a guild that extends beyond this starting nation, one that is just to all its members and forges a path for them to follow through the game. Therefore, here is my promise: I will uphold these values and offer you a place in our ranks. Starting off, the five of you will be given the rank of Captains until my trust in you can grow. From there, it's possible you can rise to General, or even Commander and Co-Leader should one of us decide to step down. Think on it. A new guild does not form every day. This is an opportunity to show the rest of Libertas what you're made of. Become a founding member of our alliance, even if only for a month, and I promise it will be worth it. What do you say?"

The River Raiders turn to one another, silently examining expressions for a length of time that seems too long until I realize they must be having private conversations with one another. I figure that's a good idea, and send a message to the party:

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