11: Birch Castle

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Birch Castle, why are you so far away?

After I get out of the Five Roses Keep, I immediately book it out of the area before Lenard and Finn appear, and hours seem to pass as I roam around the forest that surrounds the keep. It's thick with deciduous trees, hazel and blueberry bushes, and avoiding the far-off sounds of what I can only assume are hostile mobs takes precedence over finding my way. While I don't end up getting so lost I run into the dungeon again, I do feel like I'm getting nowhere as the afternoon passes. But just as I'm beginning to lose hope, I see the metaphorical light at the end of the tunnel as I look over a seaside cliff; a small town sitting on the edge of a sandy bay beneath me.

It takes me almost another hour to navigate my way to the outer edge of the timber and behold the grassy plains between me and the town. When I get there, I'm greeted by a small text pop up:

Congratulations! New settlement found! 1,000 experience awarded!

Name: Tiengen

Size: Village

Fief of the guild Dark Moon, previously ruled by Kittenz With Lazerz

I laugh aloud, thinking to myself what it would be like living in a kingdom ruled by cats with lasers. An image races to my mind: a king cat upon his throne, golden and jeweled crown upon his head, and a glittering blue laser sword leaning against his seat as he bickers with the local peasants. He's upset. Demanding the farmer pays his taxes in either coin, wet food, or butt scratches, only to be told the encroaching threat of the dark wolves of the moon have threatened the profitability of his harvests. "Meow," The cat king says, banishing the peasant to the dungeon until he pays. Because nothing helps lift his subjects out of poverty like jail time.

Shaking the thought from my mind as I reach the outer edge of town, I take a quick glance at my surroundings. The road is dirt and grass, but packed smooth and evenly. The homes are mostly timber and thatch, other than the small brick manor up ahead. I assume that's where King Cat's tyrannical reign was seated, and is now home to the guild Dark Moon.

As a small caravan of horse-led wagons jostle by, I do my best to keep my head down and avoid attention. In that same manner, I turn down a side street and away from the manor. Players are running to and fro all around me, most ranging from level 5 to 25 and almost always in gear way better than mine. Tiengen is much more established than Cutter's Cry, and taking a walk through town really gives me a chance to see what most players choose for classes. Melee is clearly the least favorite, as I only spot a few Warriors and Monks, but Ranger seems to be the most popular non-magical class.

On the side of the street, I find a shop owned and operated by an NPC named Grant. With his lack of conversation and sales pushes, I make it out in record time and with 403 less gold pieces. More than halving my gold supply sucks, but the new sword, tunic, potions, map and compass, and other camping related items I acquired may be the difference between life and death on the rest of my journey to Birch Castle. Out on the street, I start equipping and spending all of my available attribute points.

Aiden Rockwell

LV. 6 Warrior

HP: 255/255

STRENGTH: 16 (19)





SWAY: 15

(LV. 3) Leather Helm: +2 ARM

(LV. 5) Warrior's Tunic: +5 ARM

(LV. 3) Breeches: +2 ARM

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