Chapter 1

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( Ellie's POV )

"The hell?" I muttered feeling numb along with blurry vision. I could feel the dirt that covered my body. I could feel the bruises that littered my skin.

My lips parted as a bald man came into view through the blurry vision. "Get up slut." He demanded. I would have followed orders, but I simply couldn't. My body was weak.

"GET UP WHORE!" He shouted directly in my face, spitting a little. I whimpered as I felt a kick in my ribs.

"Please." I whimpered through tears as they roughly grabbed me by my forearms and dragged me into a large unknown building in the middle of nowhere.

I don't remember much after that. I woke up in a dark room with a perky man.

"Hi I'm Louis!" He extended his hand but quickly retracted it.

"Your dirty." He gave me a disgusted look. "Let's get you cleaned up for Mr.Styles."

I didn't speak. I was scared and shook up. I was scared of the brutal treatment. The consequences.

"Fine don't speak then. Rude." He snarled and rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry. Geez. I've been kidnapped and have no clue where I am or what I'm doing. Kinda scared shitless." My voice was sarcastic and defiantly not in my nature, but I could not help it.

"Nevermind that. Lets get you ready."

He made me take a shower then put at least 5 pounds of make-up on my face. Finally my hair was fried with hairspray.

"Put this on." He instructed handing me back lace lingerie.

"Hell no." I refused. It was skimpy and disgusting.

"Don't make me get the Guards or better yet Mr. Styles." He raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms. Sure enough I obeyed. I don't know who this 'Mr. Styles' man is, but he sounds scary.

"You are runway ready." He cheered but I wasn't happy at all. "GUARDS SHE AH READY." He yelled, nearly breaking my ear. "Bye love." He blew me a kiss as two different guards came and roughly removed me by my forearms again.

I was brought into a large ballroom. I mean shit, it was huge. There was a mile long red carpet that led to a mini staircase. After those three stairs sat a man. He had curly hair and sat tall and mighty in a kings chair. His looks were breathtaking, but still scary and controlling.

"Ah you must be 808." His voice was deep and raspy, and not to mention loud as he took a drag of the joint he was smoking.

"Excuse me?" My voice came out ruder than expected.

He gave me a smug look as he did some weird hand motion to the two men that stood behind me.

Suddenly I was harshly pulled away and dragged to the end of the small staircase. They threw me down on my knees as I landed with a small thud.

He stood and walked down and squatted to my level. I stood frozen as his thumb trailed over my bottom lip.

"Imagine the things these pretty lips could do. Damn." He groaned then stood to his feet leaving me on my knees.

"Alright let's see what you can do."

He looked at me in confusion as I did the same. What did want me to do?

"Do-." The guard began to shout but Mr. Styles quickly cut him off.

"Let's give an example, shall we? Strap her in and pull two."

His words were utter confusion to me, but I soon figured out what they meant.

Two woman came out from behind the red silk curtain and I was put into restraints.

The woman dressed in red rubbed his chest from behind while the one dressed in gold whipped out his ... thing. She took him into his mouth and blew him.

I had to admit the groans that left his perfect lips were hot, but this was disgusting. Vulgar. I tried looking away or even close my eyes, but the guard would not let me. I tried fighting but that only made things worse.

"Your sick!" I spat out of breath from fighting when he was finished.

"I know. That's nothing compared to what I can do darling." He smirked.

He stood and came down to my level again. His 'who-knows-where-it's-been' thumb and tilted my chin up.

"You obey daddy's orders and nobody gets hurt."

He left me speechless and disgusted.

"Take her to her room. I'll finish her later."

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