Chapter 2

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( Ellie's POV )


Red was the color I saw. Red covered the walls, curtains, and silhouette. Why was there so much red?

The door slammed shut as the guards left me clueless. I looked around to find a large door. I took the chance and opened it. I was amazed. A huge master bathroom filled the bathroom. Except this time it was all white with touches of black.

"Urm-excuse me." A voice made me jump. i shakily turned around and a blonde boy stood with two guards by his side.

He turned and exited the bathroom while the two guards grabbed me harshly and pushed me out the bathroom. I landed on my knees on the carpet. Shit it burned. I could not help but let tears slip. Who treats a human like this? Why did they find joy in this?

I looked up in tears at the blonde boy. Our eyes met, but he quickly looked away in shame. His features were sad and almost guilty. It was obvious he didn't want to do this.

He sighed as they grabbed me by the hair and threw down on the bed. My back bent over the side as I could feel the scrape it produced.

I jumped when he pulled out a needle. I began to back up in fear, but of course the guards got me.

"Please." I pled in pain. "Please don't do this. Please." I begged in full tears.

He looked down as he retracted the needle. He sighed heavily again and ran his finger through his hair.

"Get your shit together Niall." One of the guards demanded as he tightened his grip on me and I winced.

"Yea I'm hungry. Get on with it!" Shouted the other.

He shook his head as he grabbed me arm and stuck the needle in my vein. It hurt like hell considering I didn't like needles at all.

I felt the grip loosen as the two guards left. The blonde boy who went by Niall followed behind but suddenly stopped and looked back at me.

"I'll have dinner sent to you." He then put his head down and proceeded out the door leaving me alone.

Whatever was put in me took action fast. I could feel myself slip away as I laid alone on the red silhouette. Everything became blurry and hazy as my lips parted and sweat bordered my forehead.

My insides were screaming and yelling in pain, but my outsides were still. No muscle was moved. I didn't know if I was breathing or not. I didn't care at this point. Maybe if I died now I could save myself for what was yet to come.

( Zayn's POV )

"Can you bring a meal to 808. She won't make it to dinner."

I knew Niall had to drug another one. His features were sad. He didn't want to do this. I remembered the first time he had to do it. He was the innocent new guy. That bastard gave him the job to drug all "his" woman. I caught him crying in the kitchen his first night. He would tell me how guilty he felt. Or how it was wrong and no woman deserved that kind of treatment. I stayed up with him that hole night comforting him and trying to convince him everything would be okay.

Since then, Niall would have a few breakdowns here and there, but had grown used to it. This one must have gave him a hard time because he seemed so upset.

"Yea sure thing." I gave him a fake smile and finished up the dishes.

I quickly preprepared a nice plate knowing she was going to be starving when it warred off. As I made my way to her room I noticed Mr. Styles aka Asshole Sick Bastard sitting on the long tan couch. "Probably watching porn". I thought to myself as I awkwardly made my way past him, but of course being the prick he was, he stopped me.

"Where are you going with that? Dinner ended 30 minutes ago. Anybody late doesn't get food. You know the rules Malik."

"She didn't have a choice."

He smirked at my words. "Ah new girl. Almost forgot. Let me know when your done."

I wanted to cut his balls off so he could not have sex.

As I entered the room and little brunette known as 808 laid strung out across the bed. Her lips were parted as she was unhealthily still. She should have been up by now. At least blinking.

I gently set the tray down on the nightstand and decided to shake her gently.


"Hey...wake up." I tried to sound gentle, but I was getting anxious. I got myself together and put my head to her chest to check for a heartbeat, but sadly I couldn't find one. Shit.

I paged Niall as I began to panic. I shook her more but it was no use.

"What's going on?" The Irish voice echoed.

"How much did you give her?!" I asked frantically.

"I-I don't know. They were pressuring me Zayn. I think maybe a couple grams." His voice was shaky.

"Shit. She's not waking up and I can't get a pulse. C'mon." I began to pump her chest.

"Go.get.some.neutralizer." I commanded to Niall, but he stood frozen.

"NOW!" I zapped him out of his trance.

I began to get her mouth to mouth as Niall ran in and handed me a needle. As I jammed it into her veins, he stood back refusing to look. That's the thing about Niall. He panics and forgets what to do.

"C'Mon breathe." I waited for it to kick in and it wasn't long before she was gasping for air.

"Hey, hey calm down. Shsh it's okay." I tried to calm her down, but she was all over the place. Crying, screaming, gasping, rolling around.

"I-Help-F.UCK!" She gasped moving away from me.

"Hey I'm not going to hurt you." I extended my hand as she eyed it carefully. Almost flinching away. What has he done to her?

"I'm Zayn. You gotta name 808?" I falsely smiled.

"E-Ellie." She shuddered out.

"That's a lovely name. I work in the kitchen and I brought you some food. You should probably eat and change into something comfortable, then get to bed. Breakfast is at 9 sharp. Don't be late. Goodnight."


"C'mon Niall." I instructed as zapped back into the world and followed me out.

"I'm sorry Zayn. I didn't mean to." He began to babble.

"It's okay Niall. It's been a long day, you should get to bed." I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair.


I went back to my room I ever so hated and got ready for bed. As I started at the ceiling I could not help but feel sorry for her. Nobody deserved this treatment. She was a beautiful girl that could do some many things than be trapped her.

Someday Zayn.

Someday you'll escape this hell.

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