1 Killing Stalking

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Since the day i lost Sangwoo, my life hasn't been the same. I felt......Nothing anymore. Sangwoo in the end, he was the only person i really ever had.

He may have illness but he was the one who gave me love, protected me from my uncle, he was all i had, and now? My life is a mess.......Without him. Seungbae had been helping me out, but after everything was taken care of, we went back to our normal lives.....

Well atleast normal for him. Since Sangwoo isn't here anymore, i live alone in our house, taking care of the place we once lived in together. Sometimes i think to myself

.....How did i go through all of that.....

I sit on a bench alone as always eating a sweet bun. An old lady watches me from ahead.


I finish the rest of my bun, and walk to the store.

I work at a Coffee Shop to pay off rent. It's nice to distract myself from reality.

Once i get home from buying groceries. I clean the house again, if i really love Sangwoo then i would do everything to keep this place just as perfect as it was when Sangwoo and i met. The place was rebuilt since the fire had ruined everything, but it was all built just like the way it was, so nothing really felt different.......The only difference.....Is that i'm alone now.

I had work the next day, walking i arrive. It was busy, i couldn't catch a break.

Constantly i was serving Coffee, and making meals. The same woman from yesterday was infront of the store window.

I lose concentration, dropping the cup i was holding. It shatters on the floor, and hot coffee spills all over my shoes, pieces of glass all over. I look at everyone my eyes wide.

"S-Sorry." I say quickly collecting the pieces of glass.

"Yoonbum here let me help you." My friend who also works with me helps me collect the broken pieces.

My Boss apologises to the customers, the chattering continues, and everything goes back to normal.

"Yoonbum, are you crying?" Luke says

He holds me by the shoulders. My tears run down my face dripping onto the floor, and my Coffee stained clothes.

"......Yoon why are you crying? Did something happen?" He says with a sad look on his face.

"....I-I don't know...."

"Come on let's change your uniform, there's a spare one inside."

I wipe my tears away with both hands. Luke pulls me up. He gives me a spare set, and afterwards i wash my face. My eyes were red, and anyone can easily tell that i was crying.

Therapy was helping, but the pain still comes back, making me have emotional breakdowns.

The door opens, and Luke comes inside.

"Yoon how are you now? What happened back there did you hurt yourself from the glass pieces?"

"Thanks Luke i-i think i'm okay now....."

".....Are you sure...." He says leaning into my face looking at my lifeless expression.

"I don't think you're okay Yoon...."
He says pulling back with his arms crossed.

"It's Sangwoo isn't it."

I start tearing up, and crying again.

"W-Wait sorry Yoon, i didn't mean to-"

Killing Stalking ReverseWhere stories live. Discover now