3 Killing Stalking

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....I can't believe i'm doing this....I can't believe i'm-

My clothes drenched from the cold rain.  

"I-I can't-"

I fall to my knees gripping the wet dirt under my hands.

My tears hidden by the raindrops.

I stop what i'm doing, and fix what i had done.

Taking my shovel i walk away.

The next day i had zoned out at work. Having flashbacks of digging.

"Yoon." Luke says with an eyebrow raised.


"....I-I'm going to go home....Luke."

Luke stares at me.

"Yeah i think you....Need a break today man." He holds my shoulders.

I walk back home stumbling.

.....W-What's wrong with me.....

I begin to feel sick, eventually running back home

A few hours later i hear someone knocking on my door. Whoever it was....They needed me badly, because they were knocking so hard that i thought someone was planning to break in.

I quickly run downstairs.

I open the door.

It was Luke with the biggest smile on his face.

My eyes widen.

He was holding a life sized model of Sangwoo.

I look down my mouth wide open and trembling.

"I-I thought that this would maybe help...." Luke says as he struggled holding the model of Sangwoo. 

He holds Sangwoo infront of my face.

The models hair gently blowing against the wind, he looked.....So real....

I look at the model. He was built just like Sangwoo, he was smiling too.

Luke must have really referenced to make him look like a replica of him....

"Sangwoos back Yoon." Luke says closing his eyes with a wide smile.

Tears run down my face.

Luke is.....Doing everything he can to make me happy.....He knows....That i can't ever forget Sangwoo.....So he brought me something....That would make me feel....Like....He's really here instead.

"Damn it Yoonbum."

"D-Don't you like him? Is there something i need to-"

"No....It's.....You are too good for me.....You're doing everything as my bestfriend to make me feel better, i just-"


Luke says the joy in his voice leaving.

"As your friend, i'll do anything and everything, whatever i can to make you happy."

I look up shocked.

He pushes me into his chest and i continue to cry until i couldn't anymore.

We were sitting on the couch now.

I was staring at the model of Sangwoo, as Luke kept talking.

I know that Sangwoo isn't here anymore. But even the presence of this doll....It almost felt like....My pain was being healed.

At the same time i felt creeped out, this model his eyes open and smiling....It's Sangwoo.....But he just didn't move.

I want to be in his arms again i want to feel his warmth, i want him to hold me tight.....I want the real Sangwoo back.

"Yoon come look at him."

I slowly stand up walking to the model.

I run my fingers down his face and hair.

It all....Feels so real.....

"Crazy isn't it?" Luke says looking at the model, pleased with Sangwoos design.

Lukes phone begins to ring.

"Ahhh crap....I have to go now Yoon, i hope you can slowly get used to this."

"T-Thank you Luke." I say unable to process my overflowing emotions.

"Right see you soon man." He says shutting the door behind him.

I hold Sangwoo in my arms.

He's......So real.....That i can't even handle it.....

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