11 Killing Stalking

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I wake up to the scent of Pancakes.

Sangwoo was cooking for me.

Yawning, i stretch my arms.

"Morning Bum."

"Mornningg Sangwoo." I say finally waking up.

"Had a good sleep?"

"Mmhm." I nod with a cute smile.

Sangwoo walks to me and pinches my cheek.

We both turn towards the door where someone was knocking.

I walk towards it and open the door to be greeted by Luke.

"Yooooon!" He says falling onto me.

"Luke morning."

He immediately gets back on his feet when he smells Sangwoo cooking.

"Ya boyfriends making breakfast huh?"

I nod

"Well hope ya don't mind dude cause i'm hungry as hell." Luke says walking inside and throwing his bag onto the chair.

"So mr Sangwoo whatcha making?"

"Hey Luke, oh and pancakes."

Luke grins. 

"Aye Yoon get your ass over here."

"Yes sir comingg." I laugh at Luke, as my typical bestfriend inviting himself over.

Sangwoo plates all the food and adds syrup for the finishing touch.

Luke licks his lips. "Oh man! I can't wait!"

Sangwoo smirks and we all start eating.

"So mr Woo how has adjustment to life been going?" Luke asks with syrup on the side of his mouth.

Sangwoo scratches his hair. "Well i mean....It's strange Luke....I've been dead for so long that even when i came back.....It's like i'm not even my old self...."

"Isn't that a good thing woo?" Luke says eating a mouthful.

"Well i mean yeah it is, i want to be better for Bum, he's gone through things.....Especially with me....That he shouldn't have gone through in the first place." 

"Wasn't it Yoon who broke into your place though?"

"Well i mean yes....Even still.....I've done some awful things......Luke."

"Luke!" I say hands down on the table embarrassed from the things i did because i am so in love with Sangwoo.

"Oh shut ya ass up Yoon!" Luke once again smacks me across the head.

"Woo you know i told this idiot not to pull up with some dumbshit and annoy you, but this guy goes and thinks of the worst things."

Sangwoo laughs

"Love really makes you do strange things doesn't it?"

"That's right."Sangwoo continues and they both stare at me.

"Oh come on guys seriouslyyy! Why am i always the target."

"How about not break into someones house again, even if it's ya boyfriends, idiot." Luke hits me again just to annoy me.

"Luke can you not with hitting me jeez." I say rubbing the back of my head.

"Your kind of an idiot Yoon so you know i gotta knock some sense into ya once in a while homeboy."


Sangwoo and Luke burst into laughter over me, as always getting roasted.

"Well then boys thanks for the food, i've got work soon, so Yoon better not be late cause i'm not saving ya ass from the boss this time."

Luke throws his bag onto his back and leaves the house with a wave.

"Sangwoo i hate Luke so much, why is he so annoying." I say my hand over my face.

"That's what bestfriends are bum, annoying, but they'll always be by your side." 

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