5 Killing Stalking

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Daylight was soon to come, and i had to once more fix the mess i had made.

I constantly look back at Sangwoo as he lay on the ground. 

After working so hard i needed to rest. My hands were trembling, and my legs weak.

After clearing everything i stand above Sangwoo.

Gazing at his beautiful face.

I slowly place my arms underneath him and carry him.

Even if i am exhausted, i won't stop until Sangwoo is back at our house safely. 

How.....Will......I explain this to Luke....

After the painful walk carrying Sangwoo we arrive back.

I carry him upstairs placing him in bed, keeping him warm, and safe. I then gently kneel besides him stroking his hair before passing out and falling off the bed. 

I only wake up after my phone vibrates underneath me.

I was still on the floor.

It was Luke wondering where i was.


I say pulling myself up. 

Luke messaged me saying that he was coming over, and that he was close by.

I quickly close my room door hiding away Sangwoo.

I head to the bathroom and wash my face.

I smelt awful but Luke's going to be here any minute.

"Shit shit shit." I say placing my hands on my head, pacing around the room.

A knock startles me.

I quickly run to the door opening it slightly.

"Ah-erm hahaha-Luke i-"

"Yoon move."

He says pushing me aside.

"Look at my new Guitar." Luke says with a grin.

It was an Electric one with a red and black design. 

"Anyway Yoon.....Why do you have dirt stains on you.....The hell have you been doing man...."

"I- I-It's a long story." I say scratching my hair. 

"Okay Yoon....Well at least your okay, you didn't come to work so i wanted to check on you."


"I m-must have-"

I hold my head in frustration.

"Relax i told our boss, you must have gotten caught up in something."

"Thanks Luke....Y-Your a real life saver-"

Lukes Guitar falls to the floor breaking.

Startled i look up at him.

He was trembling. His eyes wide, and his mouth open. 

I hear a voice from behind.


Luke screams and tries to get out of the house.

I look back.

Sangwoo had woken up.

"Luke wait! Please!"

He was screaming trying to open the door, but i was blocking him.

"LUKE PLEASE!! You have to understand me!" I say crying out.

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