6 Killing Stalking

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I put Sangwoo back in bed. I don't think he's physically ready to even move, even though he's awake.

I....Don't understand anything that's happening right now....This all....

"Yoonbum so about the Doll?" Sangwoo asks in bed.

"Luke gave it to me." I say looking down at the floor.

".....And why...."

"Sangwoo." I say turning to him.

"Because i can't live without you Sangwoo.....I can't heal....If you aren't here with me."

"And........I'm sorry......To have brought you back.....Here Sangwoo...."

He stares at me.

"Bum if you think i'm unhappy to be here......Then you're wrong, because before i died.....You were really the only person i had.....Only you Yoonbum."

The tears begin to run down my face.

"....Bum come here...."

I walk to Sangwoo and slide under the sheets. 

He kisses me on the lips.

Sangwoos kiss.......It's been so long.....

We end up falling asleep together.

Luke Pov

That day i couldn't sleep the entire night.....

Was i hallucinating......Just like Yoon said.....Was that....Really Sangwoo......

Yoonbum Pov

A few days after Sangwoo had come back to me....Like my dream had come true....I manage to see the girl again, i waited for so long tried so many times, to see her again, to thank her....

"I'm so sorry for crying like this but....Thank you so much for bringing him back to me...."

"It's alright Yoon sir." She smiles trying to lift me up.

I continue crying like a child on the ground. What has just happened to me is....No small thing, this really is a god given repayment. 

I hug her once more before she and her grandmother leave to another country.

I thank her for healing my broken heart. 

Walking back constantly wiping away my tears, i think of Luke. He hasn't come to work ever since seeing Sangwoo, and it hurt me alot. Because he's my bestfriend....Really my only friend. 

So i decide to go to his.

Holding myself back at first, thinking Luke still hates me.

I knock on his door.

No one answers so then i walk away.

I have Sangwoo back......In return i lost my bestfrien-


I pause in shock.

W-Was that Lukes voi-

"Yoon get over here."

I turn around.

Luke was standing at the front of his house with his arms crossed.

"Luke!" I say running to him.

"Woah woah back up." Luke says still unable to process what was happening.

But i didn't care. I jump onto him wrapping my arms tightly around him.

"Luke i'm so sorry! I promise to you Luke i would never do such a thing and play you....EVER!

He places his hand on my back.

"I'm the one who should apologise Yoon, i'm sorry for going crazy that day, i just-"

"Luke this isn't either of our faults, please don't break our friendship over this." I say gripping him tighter

"Yoon are you stupid, why would i do that....."

"I thought you were going to....Leave me behind....Luke."

"You're truly an idiot Yoon." He says flicking me across the forehead.

"I'm not that much of a loser, the most i'd do is just take a small break to chill out." 

I look up at Luke my mouth quivering.

He knew i was about to cry so he grabs my face and squishes my cheeks.

"Ya dummy don't cry, i haven't left you."

"O-okay." I say pressing myself against Luke.

"Luke i...."

"Don't worry i'll come by later and we can-......Well i can.....Try to understand what's happening....Even now i still don't understand Yoon.....But because your my friend i trust you."

I nod

....Luke trusts me....

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