9 Killing Stalking

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I look at Sangwoo as he lay in bed looking up at the ceiling, lost in thoughts.

I don't know if i should ask him.....But i had too.....Because if i don't....This might put us both in trouble again, and Seungbae will surely find out if we mess up.

"H-Hey Sangwoo." I ask nervously pressing my fingers against each other.


We stay in awkward silence because i was thinking if i should mention it or not.

"Bum are you going to finish your sentence?"

"Y-Yeah sorry- It's about-"

Sangwoo turns to me.

"Sangwoo will you continue to kill...."

Sangwoo stares at me in silence until he turns away.

"No, i've decided that i don't want to become what i used to be." 

I stare at him shocked.

"Because it was so troublesome when i killed people, now i want to actually enjoy life, and it would be a real scene if fucking Seungbae figured this out....Don't you think Bum?"

"T-Thats right." I say still shocked.

"I-I'm so proud of you Sangwoo." I say placing my hand on his face.

He smiles and embraces me.

"Bum i'm sorry i treated you like that.....Before i died.....I won't ever.....Do it again."

"N-No it's okay Sangwoo! Really! Your back and you have....Changed, i know you are better than before now." I say excited and unable to handle my emotions. 

"How about i take you on a date tomorrow Bum?"


"Sangwoo but....But you don't have-"

"Don't worry i can get a job quick, so how about you wait until i do then i'll take you?"

"Y-Yes Sangwoo i would love that!" I say holding Sangwoos hands overly excited.

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