8 Killing Stalking

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I had taken Sangwoo outside to show him around, because he had been dead for so long, he had forgotten what life was really like.

First i take him to a park.

I tell him to wait at the bench while i run over to the store to quickly grab us some snacks. 

Sangwoo Pov

Yoonbum brought me back.....How did this even..... Can i now change.....? To become.....Better

I'm taken back by noticing someone staring at me from afar.

Huh.....? Who the hell is that....

I stand up to take a better look, squinting, my hand covering the light over my eyes. 


.......Is that Seungbae.....

My eyes widen when i realise, that it was him. 

He stares back mouth open, he had dropped whatever he was holding on the floor.

"Sangwoo! i'm back-"

Yoonbum Pov

When i come back with icecreams for Sangwoo and myself, i see Sangwoo standing shocked.....And on the other end........Seungbae

.......N......Now what......

Sweating i wave to Seungbae.

"Sangwoo come on." I whisper his name.

We both walk up to Seungbae who stood frozen.

I hug him.

Detective Seungbae

This man had helped me, and i can't forget that ever, but Sangwoos worst enemy.....

"This is my boyfriend S-"

Sangwoo comes in front of me.

"The names Woosang." He smiles and shakes Seungbaes hand, tightening his grip at one point. 

I almost messed up! Thankgoodness Sangwoo saved me on that one.

Seunbae turns to me in silence.

I knew exactly what he was thinking.

Sangwoo watches Seungbae with his arms crossed, and a smirk on his face.

Seungbae Pov

This guy not only looks like Sangwoo.....But sounds like him too......His entire presence reminds me of Sangwoo.....What is Yoonbum doing......Dating......A man that looks like him.

After complete silence between us Seungbae finally speaks.

"Y-Yes good to meet you.....Woosang."

Sangwoos smile becomes wider. He was enjoying every moment of this. Seeing his previous rival in a state of confusion.

"Yoonbum can i talk to you......If you don't...." Seungbae looks at Sangwoo strangely.


"Sure." I smile and walk with Seungbae away from Sangwoo.

We stop when Seungbae thinks we are far enough from Sangwoo.

"Yoonbum." He says holding my shoulders looking into my eyes.

"Why are you dating a guy that looks exactly like Sangwoo....."

"Sangwoo was my lover, and i wouldn't stop until i found someone....that-"


He says his hands still on my shoulders, looking down.

I look at Seungbae mouth open.

"As long as you are well, then it is not my position to question you."

"I....I'm just shocked really Yoonbum....Because he just....Looks so much like him, it's insane."

I laugh it off.

"I know even i'm shocked myself detective Seungbae....But he's a gift from the gods.....To heal me."

Seungbae stares at me dazed.

"You're lucky Yoonbum, i know you've been through alot, so i understand, this must truly be a gift." He says patting me on the back.

"Well i won't disturb you now, i was just on my way home, thought i'd walk through here for a difference. But i'm happy your life is much better, i can see you are healthier, almost like what happened in the past never even.....Happened."

I hold onto Seungbaes arm.

"Thank you Seungbae for everything, you really saved me alot....back then. I'm happy to see you again as well."

Seungbae smiles.

"Well i'll be off now." He says swinging his keys around his finger.

I smile at Seungbae, waving at him as he walks towards Sangwoo.

"Well Woosang good to meet you....Please take care of Yoonbum."

Seungbae reaches out and shakes Sangwoos hand.

"Yes it's good to meet again, i will." Sangwoo says with a bright smile.

Seungbae Pov

This guy.....Maybe i'm going crazy.

I walk back my own way, Yoonbum and Woosang stay then finally turn away when i was distanced enough.

I look back at them once more.


As long as he takes good care of Yoonbum i won't judge.

Sangwoo laughs hysterically.

"Did you see the way that fool didn't even realise my name! Woosang! Yoonbum Woosang! He's so stupid! It's nice to see him again in all honesty, although if i didn't die already i'd have crushed that Fucker against the dirt."

I roll my eyes. Typical rivals.

"Bum did you see the look on Seungbaes face when he saw me?"

I nod and Sangwoo continues to laugh.

"Best day of my life seeing that bastard again." He says running his hand through his hair.

I look at Sangwoo.

Creator Note

Sorry for anything that doesn't make sense or any mistakes i usually yolo my writing then once i've finished then i edit. Thank you for comments :)

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