12 Killing Stalking

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I turn to my side to see that Sangwoo wasn't laying in bed with me.

I get up worried even though he might just be getting a late night drink.

"Sangwoo where did you go." I say still tired.

I look at the front door noticing Sangwoos shoes were not there.


I get dressed and head outside.

It was so cold that my teeth constantly kept chattering, and ice would form on the ends of my jacket.


I say starting to run to keep away the cold.

It had been twenty minutes and i was starting to feel sick. Scared that i had lost him again.

"SANGWOO!" I yell out louder hoping he would hear me. 

I see a figure sitting on the ground, back facing me.


I run to him.


He turns around. Tears streaming down his face, like crystals underneath the moonlight.

"Sangwoo." I say slowly walking towards him.

He looks at me with the saddest expression i had ever seen.

Sangwoo doesn't cry, and when he

does something has hurt him.

"Sangwoo what's the matter?" I say with a soft voice wiping away his tears.

"Yoonbum." He says in a voice that sounded like he was about to break.

I wrap my arms around him.

"Sangwoo what are you doing out here, it's so cold." I say dusting off the ice on his clothes.

He starts to cry.

"Are you feeling overwhelmed?"

He nods. 

"Sangwoo, idiot, i was so worried." I lift his face up and kiss him. Kissing his fingers afterwards to keep him warm.

"Sorry for going out Bum. I didn't want to wake you up."

"No please tell me Sangwoo! I always want to be by your side."I say squeezing him against me.

"I don't want you to be alone." I say my face resting against his neck.

Sangwoo continues to cry. I run my hand down his back comforting him.

"I love you so much Sangwoo, i promise everything will be okay." He looks up at me, face red.

"Come now, let's go back i'll make you some hot chocolate." I smile and gently pull him up.

We walk back together.

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