Chapter 4

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We've been on the bus for about three and a half hours now, and I couldn't keep the thought of my pack still hunting for me.

I just hope being around Nico and other humans will help hide my scent.

Right now, Nico was asleep beside me.

He had bags under his eyes so I forced him to get some rest.

So while he slept, I thought about everything and what I'm going to do.

And I just remembered.

My birthday is in a month.

And once I turn sixteen, I can start finding my mate.

But...I just hope my mate is a human...or a demigod at least so I can stay at camp.

I can't go back to my pack.

I will only go back there to get Ethan. I can't leave him there forever.

I layed back against the seat. My eyes started to feel heavy.

Then, I fell asleep.


I woke up...

And my head was against Nico's shoulder.

I immediately jumped up in shock.

"Oh. Your awake." The sound of Nico's voice said.

I nodded, looking at him.

His hair was a mess, but in a cute way. I was tempted to run my hands through his messy, silky looking hair.

Wait! What the freakin hell am I thinking!

The bags under his eyes weren't as noticeable anymore, but still there. Like they were a part of him.

I yawned and stretched my soar muscle from sitting for so long.

My wolf, Myla/Mattheo, was get anxious to run around.

'Calm down, Myla/Mattheo. Once we make a stop, I'll get away a bit so we can go on a small run.'


I smiled a little. I loved how Myla can be so patient and yet, so full of energy.

"What are you smiling about?" Nico asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing." I replied, looking away.

Nico just shrugged and looked out the window.

I apparently slept for about two hours, and we made one stop during those two hours.

It's been now three more hours and we finally made a stop.

"We have about two hours until we're at New York." Nico told me.

I nodded.

"I'm gonna go stretch my legs before it's time to go again." I told him.

Nico nodded and I walked off the bus, trying to find some kind of park.

I soon found one and checked around to see no one in sight.

I went behind a tree and took my clothes off before I shifted.

My bones made a pop as they snapped into place.

I grabbed my clothes in my mouth and started running around the park, making sure to watch out for any humans.

I was soon gonna head back after about 10 minutes when I was stopped by another wolf.

He had dark gray fur, and his eyes were as black as night.

He bent down on his two front paws and growled.

I sat my clothes down and did the same, but growled louder.

I was a future Alpha, no one is gonna block my path.

The scent of the wolf in front of me came to my snout, and it was disgusting.

He smelled like garbage and dirty socks.

He was a rogue.

The rogue started to circle me, waiting for a chance to attack.

I followed him, making sure he didn't get me by surprise.

Soon, he pounced.

I immediately dodged and rolled away from the rogue.

I grabbed my clothes and quickly ran.

I hope I could lose him.

I ran around trees, bushes, people, anything to lose the rogue.

But he managed to stay on my trial.

I was way up ahead, so I managed to get behind the closest building so I could shift quickly.

I shifted back and put my clothes on as quickly as I could.

Once I got my shoes, the rogue was in front of me, still in wolf form.

I backed away slowly, trying to find a way out.

But then I tripped and fell back.

The rogue started growling.

My eyes widen in fear.

Just when he was gonna pounce at me, a knife went right through the rogue.

Thankfully, the knife was made of silver.

After the rogue fell, I saw Nico.

I never felt so happy to see anyone in my life.

I got up and ran up to Nico, and hugged him.

At first he flinched, but then he hugged back slowly.

When his arms wrapped around me, small shocks were sent through my body.


"Thank you." I whispered, trying not to cry.

"No problem." Nico whispered back, his voice muffled from my (h/c) hair.

Ah ha! Finished about three chapters today!

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