Chapter 16

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Nico's P.O.V.

"(Y/n). Can you please repeat the prophecy for everyone else to hear?" Chiron asked (y/n), who was sitting beside me.

"Yes." (Y/n) nodded.

All the cabin counselors were here around the ping pong table, also Rachel Elizabeth Dare and (y/n).

(Y/n) stood up and recited the prophecy.

"Daughter of love
You must be quick
Better hurry
As the time ticks
The Alpha has found the trail
The trail the leads to one he hunts
You must flee, before time runs out
Or else he will get what he wants."

After she recited the prophecy, she sat back down.

"So...which Alpha does the prophecy mean?" Percy asked.

"It's talking about her father, Seaweed  Brain." Annabeth smacked his head.

"Ow." Percy whined.

"And it's obvious the daughter of love is (y/n)." Piper said.

"The trail that leads to the one he hunts...he's hunting (y/n), so that's what that means." Jason pointed out.

"It's warning that I have to flee. I have to leave before he arrives. My guess he's in about near the border between Ohio and Pennsylvania. He will be travelling with the pack, in wolf form. So they'll be only a bit faster to get here." (Y/n) spoke up.

"If you don't run, then he'll catch you." I said.

"Why is it such a big deal if she is caught by her dad or not?" Clarisse asked.

"It will ruin my pack. And it could endanger Camp Half-Blood." (Y/n) responded in a serious tone.

"What do you mean by that?" Will Solace asked.

"I...I had dream, a while back. I saw my pack arguing. Soon the arguing went to attacking. They attacked each other, and I couldn't stop them. They would only take the orders from the Alpha, and I wasn't. Then the dream changed. Camp Half-Blood was a mess. Demigods fighting with werewolves.
I saw the Alpha my dad wants me to marry, telling the werewolves to attack. I tried to say something but they ignored me, they wouldn't listen. I didn't have the authority to stop them.
So of my dad gets his way. Then we are all doomed." (Y/n) face held no emotion.

She actually looked more serious then ever.

"We're gonna need to catch him off guard somehow. I'll have to get to somewhere else, like the other side of the country. Then he will have to turn back and head the way I fled to." (Y/n) told us.

"We can get you to Camp Jupiter." Leo suggested.

"That actually isn't a bad idea, Valdez." I said.

"It isn't a bad idea? It's a great idea!" Leo argued.

"Nico. Could you shadow travel (y/n) to Camp Jupiter?" Jason asked.

"Sure." I replied.

"We can also take Mrs. O'Leary, for when you run out of energy." (Y/n) suggested.

I nodded.

I grabbed (y/n)'s hand under the table. She gladly grasped it.

"It seems we have a plan." Chiron stroked his beard.

"But what about when the pack arrives?" Annabeth asked.

"They'll know I'm not here. My scent will be long gone...if I leave long before they arrive. They know I'm here by logic, not by scent. So once they get closer, they try to sniff out my scent to see if I'm here. So we'll have to bring most of my stuff with me, so they won't smell my scent from my belongings, and think I'm here." (Y/n) explained.

Everyone nodded.

"Guess this concludes the meeting." Percy said.

"I feel we should have one more person go with you two, just in case." Chiron said.

"Ok." (Y/n) nodded.

"You will leave in two days. Try to find someone by tomorrow." Chiron said.

(Y/n) and I nodded.

Then everyone left.

(Y/n) and I walked hand in hand, heading to my cabin.

"Do you think this is gonna work." (Y/n) asked, laying her head on my shoulder.

"Of course I do." I assured her. "We'll figure this out together."

"Together." (Y/n) smiled as she said the word.

Ok. I want to create a new character to go with Nico and you guys.

So I'll have something for the next chapter. won't exactly be a chapter...

But you guys are creating the character, or whoever comments first anyways😊

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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