Chapter 10

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Nico was right.

Clarisse did try to get back at me just two days after the fight.

But...thanks to my good hearing and scent of smell, I was able to catch her before she did anything.

Apparently she hired the Stolls to try and prank me.

The two boys were shocked when they saw me.

They were caught red handed.


They had red slime on their hands.

Nice try, Clarisse La Rue.

My birthday was in 5 days.

When I told Piper this, she was yelling.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!?!?" She screamed.

I just shrugged.

"Girl! Your turning 16 and you just shrug!?"

Wow. She is really taking this as a big deal.

"I honestly don't ever celebrate my birthday." I confessed.

"What?" She looked at me.

"My dad always said birthdays were a waste of time." I told her.

"Then your dad is an idiot. No offense." She said the last part quickly.

"Non taken. I hate my dad. So go ahead and call him whatever you want." I smiled.

"Well. I gotta go now. I'm gonna need some help planning your birthday." Piper smirked.

"What?" I asked.

"You are gonna have the best 16th birthday ever, (y/n). I promise you that." Piper then ran out.

I just sat on my bed confused after that.

I started thinking about my birthday.

Should I tell them on my birthday? I'm gonna have to tell them soon...

Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I asked.

"(Y/n), may I talk to you please?" Chiron asked.

I nodded.

Chiron came in, careful to duck when going through the door.

"We never got to talk a couple weeks ago. So I feel like we should talk now, with your birthday coming up." Chiron explained.

"Pipes told ya?" I guessed.

"Yes. And I know of your secret." He said.

I froze.

He knew? How?

"I have known about you since you were a baby. Your mother came to me and told me that in about 15 years, a girl named (y/n) is gonna come. And she told me that you are also a werewolf. I've also heard about you in the news. Your father is still searching for you." He told me.

"Of course he still is. He won't give up until I'm found or dead." I told him.

"You also have a fiancè?" Chiron asked.

"No. It's a forced marriage. Well, I'm the one being forced. That man they call my 'fiancè' isn't. That is the reason I ran." I furrowed my eyebrows.

You are also to be able to find your...mate, soon. Am I correct?" Chiron asked.

"Yes. On my sixteenth birthday I can start finding my mate." I nodded.

"And it can be a human or demigod?"
Chiron asked.

I nodded.

" should tell the camp soon about you. Because we don't want someone else figuring out and telling everybody." Chiron looked at me.

"Yes. I was planning to tell them on my birthday." I told him.

Chiron just nodded, then left.

I sighed.

At least he knew.

But now the question is...

How am I gonna tell everyone else?

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