Chapter 25

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Then a bunch of shadowy figures emerged from the trees in front of me.

And in the front was my father.

"Well hello, (Y/n). I hope you had a good time here. Because this is the last you'll ever be seeing this place."

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I growled at my father.

"Now now. You'll still get to say goodbye. We have to get Ethan anyways still." My father told me.

I looked around, trying to find my stepmom.

"Where's Iris?" I asked nervously.

" died during the monster attack. Trying to save Ethan." My father actually had a look of sadness on his face.

But the sadness quickly disappeared from his face.

He turned to Alex, who was holding me, behind me.

"Tie her up. Make sure she doesn't escape." He told Alex.

Soon, my hands were tied behind my back with plain rope.

This will be easy to get out of.

I got dragged up onto my feet and they started leading me to the entrance to Camp Half-Blood.

I was waiting for the best possible moment to try my escape.

My ears then perked up.

The sound of flying arrows.

I smirked and immediately fell flat to the ground, not wanting to get hit by arrows.

Nico's P.O.V.

I followed (Y/n) while she checked the borders. I had a bad feeling something was gonna happen.

I was right.

I saw a figure grab (Y/n) from behind, then a lot more figures coming out of the woods.

One guy in the front looked like (Y/n). The same (h/c) and smirk.

I knew immediately that this was her father.

I listened in on their conversation.

Once I knew what they were gonna do next. I ran to the Big House.

"Chiron!" I yelled, slamming the door open.

The centaur turned to me.

"Yes Nico?" Chiron asked.

"(Y/n)'s father. He's here and has got her. He's planning on getting Ethan next." I told him.

He nodded and immediately had me get the campers together.

(Back to the present here)

I saw as the arrows flew, but they only it a couple wolves, hardly effecting them.

I held a different sword in my hand, not my usual Stygian iron sword, but a silver sword.

All of us charged into battle, fighting the wolves to get (Y/n) back.

I'm sorry but imma skip here because one, I'm bad at fight scenes, and two, lazy.

Soon the werewolves retreated. They were outnumbered.

(Y/n) had joined the fight once she snapped the ropes the tied her wrists.

I immediately ran to (Y/n), happy that she was safe.

"(Y/n)!" I called out across the field.

(Y/n) turned around and saw me.

I could see the smile grow on her face.

"Nico!" She ran towards me.

Soon, we were in each other's arms.

"He's finally gone." (Y/n) whispered.

"Yes, he finally is." I smiled.

I looked down at (Y/n), here bright eyes changing to many colors, like Piper's does.

But...(Y/n)'s eyes changed to more unnatural colors. Like lilac, or blood red or gold.

(Y/n) looked back into my deep brown eyes.

"I love you." I whispered.

I could see the faint blush forming on (Y/n)'s face, as my face started moving closer to hers.

"I love you too." She said before we kissed.

Heyyyyy!!!! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, but I haven't really had much motivation to write.

The next chapter is the epilogue. I am finishing up this book so I can work on others.

But I hope you enjoyed this! And sorry if this chapter was kind of bad, he he...

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