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   I walked over to the sliding door and I it was a small puppy. A small German shepherd dog. "Are you lost little one?" It made me feel better that a small little puppy came to see me. I picked it up and looked at the collar on its neck. It said," Austin James, 2017 Wilson street." I needed to get my mind off so I took a walk with the little fella. Unfortunetly it didn't say the dogs name, just the owners. Wilson street was 3-4 blocked away from where I lived so I just walked there. When I finally got there I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. I could here the door opening and also a little boy yelling "Dad!" The little boy opens it and started yelling "Austin you came back! I thought I lost you forever!" The look he had was priceless. He looked as if he was gonna cry. I wish that was me if I ever could have Jaden to be mine. I would be happy and would probably cry too because I finally have something I always wanted. I stood there and watched him being so happy til his father came. As the dad came I saw him and I was in shock because that guy was my Dad!

"Dad? What are you doing here! Does mom know!" I was yelling at him so much. "Dad what Is that lady saying?" The little boy said with fear in his eyes. "Honey come outside, come with me I'll explain this to you just calm down." I was lost and confused on what was happening to me or even to my family. "Sweetie I'm sorry if I your Mom and I never told you. Your mom and I actually divorced yesterday. We've been meaning to tell you after your birthday tomorrow." I forgot all about my birthday this is all got worse now for me. "Where's mom now and who are those people, that little boy?" "That boy is my son I had an affair with your mom and never told her til a month ago. I guess we wanted to tell you the day we got back. Also your mom is in New York. She had a special meeting for her business." I was lost and I didn't want him to finish explaining. I ran back home as fast as I could. I locked the front door and slid down after me. I cried all night lost and wondering. The next thing to do was..well what do I do?

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