Lucifer - "Misunderstood"

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The one thing (Y/n) (L/n) always remembered in any situation was to not judge a book by its cover. Human, monster, demon, angel- none of that mattered until a fight broke out. That's how she was raised, so the phrase stuck like glue.

Lucifer himself was included.

When the Winchester's brought the devil into the bunker, (Y/n) wasn't angry or afraid, she was curious. She pushed aside all that he'd done and looked for her own emotions toward the matter. This was how the phrase worked for her.

The conversation popped up when (Y/n) heard him mutter something about humanity. His tone and facial expression showed his anger.

"Why do you dislike us so much?"

Not only was Lucifer shocked by the question, but annoyance and curiosity also rode along. Three very different emotions at once could only form four words together: "Why do you care?"

A fair response. (Y/n) turned her chair around until she was eye-to-eye with him. "I'm curious." That was the truth, but not the full version of it.

Lucifer scoffed. What a stupid answer- all humans are curious. "Yes, well, curiosity killed the cat."

"But satisfaction brought it back." (Y/n) countered with a smile, which earned no response. "Everyone has their own way of doing things, Lucifer. Sam and Dean go back and forth between shooting first then asking questions, to asking questions, then shooting.

Castiel mixes the two up as well- but all in all, it depends on how one's raised."

Lucifer frowned. Where was this going?

"'Don't judge a book by its cover' is what my mother taught me. And you are no exception," the hunter's face softened. "Archangel, Devil, it doesn't matter to me, you're still in the books. So," (Y/n) leaned forward, her fist under her chin, "why do you dislike humanity so much?"

That caught him. It was the first time someone said something like that- a hunter pushing his actions and identity away to see something locked deep in his soul.

The answer spilled from Lucifer's mouth like he had said it a million times. God loved him the most. He received most of his Father's attention- then humanity came along and became the spotlight. It all followed with God leaving and Michael casting Lucifer into Hell.

(Y/n) had been silent with a blank expression the whole time. There was no room for interruption. It was clear the archangel had never told anyone before.

"Well? Care to share your thoughts with the class?" His sarcastic tone drove the hunter toward the right emotion and answer.

Her glossy (e/c) eyes met Lucifer's, and a sympathetic expression whirled onto her face. "You're misunderstood."

Those three emotions hit again, though annoyance was replaced by the smallest bit of offense. "Excuse me?"

The sympathetic smile didn't falter. "You were so used to your Dad by your side all that time that when he shifted his attention to humanity, you grew jealous.

"People portray you as an evil being because you were cast out and ruled Hell. With demons, soul collecting, and possession- people assumed the worst. In other words, you're misunderstood."

The three emotions dropped on the dot. No one- no one had ever lifted that card in his years roaming the Earth. No one.

"Do you not see all that I've done? Does none of that reach your understanding?" He kept any emotions leading toward anger back. His soul ached for the reasoning behind her words.

(Y/n) couldn't help but laugh. "I'm more than aware of your actions, Lucifer." The archangel opened his mouth but stopped words from flowing when a hand shot up. "I may not understand fully, but I understand enough- which means that I don't have to feel the same way as everyone else."

Every day that followed their conversation, (Y/n) would fit in time to see Lucifer. They would talk about anything and everything, topics good or bad, feelings high or low, all was good with them.

Until the Winchesters drew themselves into the picture.

Constant reminders of who Lucifer was and what he'd done were blown into (Y/n)'s face each time she went to the archangel's room. Anger and disappointment leaked into every one of them.

It was only a matter of time until she broke.

"You don't know what he's doing to you! For all we know-"

(Y/n) slammed her book shut and stood up from her chair. "Is nothing, Dean!" The eldest Winchester shut his mouth. "You, Sam, and Castiel have not opened the door to that room and actually talked to him. No, all you do is throw threats and yell at him!

"All he's doing is making me happy!" Tears poked at the rims of her eyes. "While I've been healing after what happened to my mother, he's paid more attention to me than the three of you combined! And something else-

"If you dive deep into reasoning, you'll understand my actions... and maybe even his."

After finishing, (Y/n) stormed to Lucifer's room. The hot tears streaming down her cheeks snapped the archangel away from the crossword puzzle in front of him.

"(Y/n)? What's-"

"If I get rid of the wardings, do you have enough mojo to snap us out of here?"

The question caught him off guard. (Y/n)'s whole look caught him off guard. But the puffy red eyes and trembling lips forced a nod.

The hunter got rid of the wardings as fast as she could before tossing herself into the archangel's arms, burying her head into the crook of his neck. "Remember where we talked about going? That's where I want to go... with you."

Lucifer brought a hand to her head and the other to her waist, pulling her closer. "As you wish, love."

"(Y/N)!" Dean's calling was a few seconds too late. The devil's room was empty as well as (Y/n)'s. Neither was to be seen.


Long Island's beach is a beautiful sight. Both sunrise and sunset, watching the pink and orange mix with a darkened blue... perfect.

Right now, the sunset was slowly soothing (Y/n)'s mind. Lucifer's tight but comforting grip around her body, running his rough fingers through her locks told her all was good at the moment. The hate-filled words that spewed out of her friend's' mouths took a toll on her.

Lucifer couldn't do anything about it but kiss her head and tell her it would all blow over. "They don't understand yet, love. Give them time." He couldn't believe he was trusting that the boys would turn around, but his thoughts reminded him that this was reassurance for the woman in his arms.

(Y/n) nodded slowly, intertwining her hands with his. "I suppose we're both misunderstood now, hm?" Her voice was dropped to a whisper, too hoarse from crying to be any louder.

The archangel smiled lightly, kissed the top of her head then squeezed her hands. "I suppose we are."

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