Dean - "NO"

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(Based on the song 'NO' by Meghan Trainor)

The biggest pet peeve (Y/n) had, working as a bartender, was men. Whether they were sober, tipsy, or drunk- men were her problem.

Some women were okay with men flirting and throwing themselves at them. And sometimes their nights ended in a house, apartment, or motel. It was enjoyable and flattering, something some of the women needed.

But not (Y/n).

She had quite a reputation in the small town of Brownwood, Texas. Each man that tried to sweet-talk her was shot down in a matter of seconds. No matter how good-looking or how nice they acted, each one was denied.

Newcomers were no exception. The employees who worked with (Y/n) would watch men stroll up to the counter and laugh when the men left confused or insulted. Maybe it was just a sick game until the right man cane, but after a year- nothing supported their theory or any others for that matter.

When Dean Winchester entered the bar, his eyes immediately fell on (Y/n)'s. His upper lip twitched into a grin. He smacked his brother's arm, then walked over to the counter. After ordering a whiskey, he opened his mouth-


The emotionless tone and bored expression caught the Winchester off guard. Did she even know what he was going to say?

A short laugh escaped his lips. "Do--"

"I know." (Y/n) lifted her head and met Dean's confused green eyes. "What's wrong? Has no one ever told you that?"

The humor in her (e/c) eyes made Dean frown further. "You ever gonna let me finish?"

(Y/n) shrugged. "Just did." The scowl reaching the Winchester's face almost broke her composure. "I know what you're after, and the answer is no."


Oh, we're playing this game. The bartender set down the glass she had been cleaning and placed her hands on the counter. "I don't need your hands all over me. And I've run into plenty of your kind before."

Offense crossed Dean's expression. "My kind?" Sam, who was watching the entire scene, was attempting to hold in his laughter and failing miserably. "The hell's that supposed to mean?"

"One night stands, sweetheart." Her nose twitched as she gestured to Dean's entire body. "It's written all over you. If I'm gonna get with a man, it ain't gonna be with the likes of you. Or anyone like you for that matter."

Done with expressing her point, (Y/n) tapped her watch. "Better luck somewhere else. My shift's over."

After the bartender left, Sam allowed his howls of laughter out. "Holy shit, Dean. That was amazing." He held his stomach. It was beginning to hurt as each laugh left his left. "How did that feel?"

Dean's heated pink cheeks deepened to a dark red. "Shut up, Sam."

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