Sam & Dean - "Nothing's Changed"

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(Sibling relationship with Sam and Dean)

As a hunter, (Y/n) is well aware of the truth hanging around the universe: Monsters of all kinds roaming the earth. As a Winchester, however, she knows about much more than one's typical monster.

"So are all of you angels douchebags, or am I just meeting up with the wrong ones?" (Y/n) didn't know too much about the soldiers up top. Only having heard about her brothers being vessels a couple years ago... since then, angels have been chasing her around for their location. Fun, right?

Now, it was about her becoming a vessel... for the stupid archangel, Michael.

The angel, Daniel, inhaled deeply. "Look, you'd be doing the world a huge--"

"Don't even finish that sentence, Danny- can I call you Danny?" (Y/n) eyes shone with amusement, but her face remained her family's famous expression: the bitch-face. "This ain't my first rodeo with you guys, obviously. We're still under the same circumstances." She licked her lips, stopping some blood from dripping down her chin.

"Just because I had a falling out with my brothers doesn't mean I'm helping you out. Go find another puppet for your strings."

-One Year Ago-

"You can't leave, (Y/n)!" Dean was quick about shutting his sister down. "The gate to Hell has been opened, Lucifer's free--"

"The hell I can, Dean!" She shot back, zipping her suitcase aggressively. "I'm well aware of what's going on- I was there! I don't want to be a part of it! I never wanted this life, and you damn well know that! The only reason I came back was that Sammy died, and I stuck around to make sure nothing bad happened again- but guess what, something did!"

It was the truth. As soon as (Y/n) turned 18, which was two years after Dean hit those digits, she had a huge argument with John-- then left to attend Duke to get a doctorate in Psychology.

The siblings didn't see each other again until Sam died at the hands of one of Yellow Eyes' participants... Bobby called (Y/n), not knowing Dean would throw his soul away to save his brother. She stuck around after that, not wanting her brothers to make stupid mistakes again-- she couldn't deal with Sam and Ruby so that lead to her hunting on her own... and soon enough leaving the life again.

-Back to the present-

The angel groaned loudly. Why were all the Winchesters like this? "You don't understand. This needs to--"

"I understand completely." (Y/n) interrupted again, narrowing her eyes. "Having myself be possessed by some kiss-ass who's still chasing after his daddy's plan isn't in my calendar. I'm done with the hunting life, and that means I'm done with you."

Seeing that there was nothing else to be done, Daniel snapped his fingers, getting rid of the chains that had bound (Y/n). "Right then." He didn't say anything else before disappearing with the sound of flapping wings.

(Y/n) rubbed her wrists, eyeing the redness on them. She didn't feel the pain, that had all stopped ages ago-- it was now just discomfort.

The door to the barn was kicked open, revealing the three people (Y/n) really didn't want to face. "(Y/n)?"

"Oh, great. You just missed him." (Y/n) said sarcastically, wiping the blood from her face with her thumb. She ignored her younger brother's hurt look, the anger from last year wasn't directed towards him, but he sure as hell had been hit with it.

Dean dropped his gun and walked over to his sister, grabbing her arms to check for any injuries. "Did he do this?"

This is rich. (Y/n) snatched her arm back, glaring at him. "I'm fine, Dean." She snapped, ignoring the annoyance and the slightest bit of anger coming from him. "It's just some marks."

Castiel, the one angel that wasn't totally a douche in (Y/n)'s books, stepped forward. "Why was Daniel with you?"

And straight to business. "Asked me if I could be Michael's vessel. 'Save the world' and 'earn eternal paradise in Heaven' if I did so." She shrugged and rubbed her wrists again. "As you can see, I said no."

"Are you okay?" "Did you get any information from them?"

Dean and Sam's questions clashed, but (Y/n) could pick out who said what. "I'm fine, Sam, thanks for asking." She shot Dean a glare. "And no, I didn't get anything from them, Dean. All they did was ask questions, and that was that."

The eldest Winchester rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Come with us, and we can--"

(Y/n) laughed, keeping her glare on him. "Now why would I do such a thing?" She jabbed a finger into her brother's chest. "Nothing's changed, Dean. I'm not in the life anymore, period."

"(Y/n), you'd be safer with us," Sam intervened before their older brother could explode. "We're not asking you to join up with us again--"

There it was again. A laugh and a scoff. "Maybe not from you, Sammy. But Dean wants me back in the game."

A little Deja Vu was coming from this conversation. This happened back in 1999 when an 18-year-old (Y/n) said she was done with hunting.

The roles, however, were switched. Sam was in Dean's boots, arguing that this was her life, and he wasn't going to intervene... while Dean took the role of their dad.

"You'd be safer hunting with us, not sitting in an apartment doing what everyone else does!" Dean's voice had risen to a shout... just like John had done. "Hunting is in our blood, (Y/n)! There's no walking away from this, you may have been able to do it for 8 years, but the times have changed! There's a war and--"

(Y/n) snorted, watching Dean's face fall but keep its anger. "You sound just like dad." She shook her head, walking past her family. "I see why you're Michael's vessel, Dean. But just because you guys have something to take care of, because you guys want to take care of this, doesn't mean I have to join you." She shot her younger brother an apologetic look, he was having to listen to this for a second time, but this time involving his older siblings. "This is your war, not mine. Good luck you three. Don't try and find me."

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