Sam - "Thank You"

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Warning: Suicide

(And it's a little weird)

On the run again. It wasn't something new to be upset or uncomfortable about. This happens quite often. It wasn't entirely her fault that the angels fell either- Heaven's jail was opened. Therefore, she was out, finally.

(Y/n) was sent to jail for something that she deemed as stupid. It was an accident! She was sentenced there for meddling with demons, which she hadn't even done. She was just trying to save the human she was supposed to protect, the human she had fallen in love with.

It was wrong. So wrong in her siblings' eyes to love the human they were sworn to protect. But... as Jaime told her, "Shit happens. And this is happening... it's okay."

That was hours and hours before demons had taken her beloved, something about getting her attention. The cry for help blasted through (Y/n)'s head, making her snap and fly to the barn Jaime was being kept on.

"Don't give in to them (N/n). They want your Grace! I'll be okay..."

She hadn't been fast enough... the blade the demon's had slipped through her beloved's chest, killing him.

The angels had arrived after the two demons were killed. They saw (Y/n)'s stained hands dragging across Jaime's face, which was enough to slam her into a cell.

Now, after leaving her cell, the angels were looking for her. To take her back, now that Heaven was reopened. And (Y/n) found it stupid that they were looking for her and not Metatron. Stupid.

It had all been okay. She was doing fine- until she ran into one of her brothers and a pair of hunters. Castiel and the Winchesters... perfect.

Castiel was quick to run in front of the boys and slip his angel blade out. He knew the wrong story.

"I'm not here to hurt you, Castiel." (Y/n) held her hands in the air, making sure to keep her tight grip on the cone in her left hand. "I'm not here to hurt anyone... I just wanted a snack..."

The angel only narrowed his eyes, confusing the brothers. "You should be in jail with the others by now." His dull tone was a warning, watching her every move. "You here to kill other humans and be with demons?"

(Y/n) flinched away at the memory, shaking her head. "You misunderstand what happened, brother. Please don't assume I'm here to do such a thing."

One of the Winchesters stepped in, the one with longer hair, pushing Castiel aside. "Hold on a minute, Cas. She said she's not here to hurt us, and that's that, no need to push around it."

Castiel snapped his head to the taller Winchester. "You don't know what she's done, Sam. She could hurt-"

"But she hasn't. So, let's leave it at that, okay?" Sam countered, looking at the other angel, who was giving Sam a curious look. It left Castiel with a scowl on his face, but he backed off, putting away the angel blade.

(Y/n) lowered her hands as well, nodding her head at 'Sam'. "Thank you." Then she went her separate way, ignoring the immediate bickering from the three.

As much as (Y/n) hoped to never see the Winchesters again, they were the only ones that could help her at this point. She was tired of running... so tired. There were two ways for this to stop, accept her fate that her siblings put out, or get help from the only people that could give it to her.

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