TFW - "Lost Hope"

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(Angst and zero happiness)

It was a foreign word to (Y/n). To hear it slip from someone's lips, to see it on a blank sheet of paper, to watch it take over someone else's aura. It would cause her to frown and need to walk away.

What was the point of using it if she didn't have any?

Losing a loved one, someone who she was there to protect, someone who she vowed to love always and forever- someone who was taken away by something that isn't supposed to be real.

Everything that involved in believing everything that involved hope, it was no longer a concept for (Y/n). It didn't exist.

People who knew (Y/n) told her over and over again that there was a way to have hope again. It would all heal over time. She would need to trust people again. She wouldn't be alone anymore. That's all it took in their eyes, but they didn't know the situation. They didn't know that if she did any of those things, it would be false. It wouldn't be real.

(Y/n) knew all her life being a hunter would have its ups and downs, its pros and cons. It all came with the job. One of the cons was possibly never settling down, never having what normal people have. She had been naive. She had fallen in love. She had given birth to a beautiful boy.

Wrong. It was all so wrong. Encountering demons was something big for her, (Y/n) took care of small cases before she settled down: vampires, salt and burns, werewolves, creatures like that. Her husband was possessed by a demon and killing their little boy- for some sick reason. it was never supposed to end-- it was never supposed to be this way.

This was also around the time that (Y/n) met the famous Winchesters and their angel, Castiel. They had been tracking the supposed demon for quite some time and had accidentally stumbled upon it when they were investigating (Y/n)'s neighborhood-- the screams turned their direction to her one-story home.

The demon was about to take care of (Y/n) before an angel blade went through its chest. (Y/n) screamed louder when it happened, seeing her husband drop to the floor right next to her two-year-old son broke her in half. There was a way to do it without killing her husband-- at least she'd have part of her life still with her.

Dean had snatched the blade from Castiel before the angel could protest about them being a family. He'd usually have stabbed the demon straight away, but something deep inside his gut told him not to. There was something about the former hunter on the floor that kept him from doing, and he had no clue what.

"You son of a bitch! That was my husband!" (Y/n) had snapped at the eldest Winchester as soon as her husband dropped. She was already cradling her son in her hands when the love of her life was stabbed. "Y-You could've-- I c-could've saved him!"

Dean was quick to feel guilty. Seeing the (h/c) haired woman sob into the little boy's chest and take her dead husband's hands didn't make him feel good. "Look, lady--"

The angel put a hand on Dean's shoulder before the hunter could finish. "You've done what you could, Dean. Leave it." That left Sam to grab his brother's arm and lead him out of the house. Castiel looked between the two bodies, his blue eyes trailing to (Y/n). "I'm sorry about how he acted, it's an instinct for him to shoot first and ask questions later."

(Y/n) looked up from her son, narrowing her eyes at the angel. "That d-doesn't excuse what he did. There's e-exorcism for demons, right? Y-You could've-- I could've--" she choked on a sob. "I don't even know w-why I'm explaining this to you. J-Just..."

Castiel sighed quietly, taking a seat on the floor opposite of the new widow, making sure he wasn't sitting on any blood. "When we walked in, your husband-- the demon was about to kill you. He had a blade raised, and Dean and Sam... they don't..."

"I understand. I was a hunter. But that doesn't excuse--" (Y/n) placed her son's head on her lap and dried her tears. "This could've ended a different way. You and I both know that..." she trailed off, looking up at the angel for a name.


(Y/n) never saw the three again after that. And she was thankful at that. Dean killed her husband, and may as well killed her little boy... it hurt that much. After all, it was the Winchesters and Castiel that was after the damn demon-- it was their fault for her loss of her family.

It was all their fault.

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