Gabriel - "Gone"

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Nothing happy usually stayed around in the supernatural world.

Most were lucky that the feeling hung around throughout their hunting life. Too much was at stake for such an emotion- it could get one killed.

(Y/n) (L/n)'s happiness, however, came out different than everyone else's. It wasn't exactly... 'normal' (If such a word could be used).

The reasoning turned toward the Archangel, Gabriel.

How they met was 'normal' for how it all started: at a bar, stopping some pervert from touching the hunter. Maybe the correct word for their meeting was actually 'clique.' That sounded more realistic.

Afterward, Gabriel offered to buy her a drink. "For the trouble" were his words. (Y/n) was skeptical at first- things like that usually led to a motel room, but his honey eyes weren't filled with lust, only... friendliness? Something along the lines of that.

Their night did not end with (Y/n) wasted or waltzing into a motel room with Gabriel. Nope. Exchanging numbers and the promise of seeing each other again was how they departed. It wasn't one's usual clique meeting a bar.

Meeting number two was nothing like the first. Sam and Dean Winchester called for help. That was also when (Y/n) discovered he was an Archangel. The hunter was used as bait to trap her friend in a circle of holy fire for information.

Betrayal was the wrong feeling Gabriel assumed she would have. Intrigued was the correct word.

"Is that supposed to make you any less interesting?"

A year after that, (Y/n) needed a break from hunting. Her mother passed away, leaving an empty hole in her soul. A promise was made before the hospital monitor flatlined: "Don't begin hunting non-stop because I'm gone you'll hurt yourself. Take a vacation with that Gabriel boy. He'll be good for you when I'm gone."

A spot on the east coast was their destination. (Y/n) would always talk about the ocean being her late family's favorite place to be. The salty air and cold water were calming along with the sunrises and sunsets.

"I don't know what I'll do without her, Gabe. Mom is- was the only family I had left..." (Y/n) whispered one night. She was curled up into a ball, her body sinking into the sand. "After my brother and dad-"

Gabriel opened his arms and engulfed her in a hug from behind. It hurt him to see her like this: a happy soul that was slowly falling apart. "If you ever need anything- anything, I'm right here." He buried his face into the crook of her neck, placing a light kiss where his lips were. "You haven't lost everyone, sugar. Sam, Dean, Cas, me- we're here for you."

The archangel's promise didn't last. The happiness he gave (Y/n) didn't last. Their time together didn't last.

A hunt went wrong. Going into a vamp's nest without backup turned out to be a terrible decision. But how was (Y/n) to know the bar would turn out to be one?

In other words: The hunt was a complete accident.

(Y/n) was not turned. The vampires chose to torture, draining blood, then death.

Usually, as a hunter, (Y/n) would try her damndest to get out of the situation. Cut their heads off, call any hunters who would pick up, try and get away from the torture, or pray to Gabriel if none of the above worked.

But none of that happened. (Y/n) accepted each punch, bite, cut, and bruise to touch her body. Two parts of her mind were battling during the scene. Fight for her life or accept the fate in front of her.

Death was the option she chose.

The last words to leave her mouth snapped the archangel to her location.

"I'm sorry."

Each vampire in the bar vaporized when Gabriel arrived. His anger was at its peak when he saw the monsters sinking their teeth into his hunter's pale neck.

The anger was gone as fast as it had come.

(Y/n)'s heart didn't beat. Her chest didn't rise and fall. No breaths left her chapped lips. She was gone.

Tears. Screams. Curses. All those exploded from deep within Gabriel. The one person that made him happy, the one person that helped him make it through each day, the one person he had grown to love was gone.

She was gone.

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