Dean - "Patience"

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(Just some fluff before the real stuff begins)

Many would say that Dean Winchester is good with kids. The way he handled their bickering and fits, it was almost unnatural. Everyone said it was a blessing, to which the Winchester usually barked at them for.

But that was the way he dealt with kids. What he was dealing with... a completely different story.

His six-month-year-old daughter, Bailey, was currently screaming in his arms. She had been crying for the past ten minutes. No bottle, no soothing words, no toy- nothing was stopping her wails.

"Dear God. SAM!" Dean moved his little girl into his lap, hoping that bouncing her up and down would help. It usually did when his wife did it. "A little help with Bay!"

The younger Winchester tossed the book he had been reading across the room then slid off his bed, rushing into the kitchen at the mention of his niece. To say he was happy with having a niece was exciting and fun- a complete understatement. Seeing Dean frustrated at something new, seeing him smiling and laughing... that was something he loved seeing every day. (And he loved the six-month-old monster)

Sam took Bailey from his brother's arms, rocking the baby back and forth in his own, to which he immediately quieted. "Dean, did you check the time?" He gestured with his head to the phone on the counter.

"No." A frustrated sigh left the elder Winchester's lips as he stood up to check it. "3:15... nap time." He pinched the bridge of his nose, scolding himself for forgetting. "(Y/n) is so much better at this."

The door to the bunker suddenly slammed open, the metal echoing throughout the bunker snapped everyone's heads up. "BOYS!"

Dean's eyes widened at the strained voice of his wife. "GROCERIES!" The word made him instantly relax. He thought something was wrong.

Dean rushed out of the kitchen, ushering Sam to take Bailey to her room so she would actually get through nap time. "Son of a bitch, (Y/n). Didn't you see the time?" He took six grocery bags from her arms, half of what she had been holding.

His wife laughed, leaning on the railing for support, not wanting to fall. "I called you five minutes ago, love. You didn't answer." She grinned at the scowl reaching his face. "You had to get Sam to quiet Bailey down, didn't you?"

"Shut up, babe," Dean grumbled, trying to hide a smile of his own. "She's only good with you and Sam... even Cas too... I-I don't know-"

(Y/n) set the groceries she had been holding down and grabbed both sides of her husband's face, smiling lightly. "It'll happen, love. Things like these take a little time." She pecked his lips, then went to unload the cold stuff. "Patience is a virtue, Dean."

Dean snorted at the phrase. "Yeah, and I'm Donald Trump."

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