James finds out about Hugo's feelings

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"Hello  Princess Sofia," the baker greeted them. "What can l  help you with today?"

"We want to get a cake for Sofia's birthday." Amber said.

"Splendid! What do you want it look like?" The bake asked Amber.

"I want it to have big four layers and simple but yet fancy with Sofia on top." Amber said to the baker.

"Fantastic!" The baker exclaimed as he wrote it down.
"I'll start working on it right away."

"Thank you." Sofia thanked the baker.

"You're welcome Sofia." "It's a pleasure to bake the princess's 18th birthday cake," he smiled to Sofia.

"Okay, cake check." Amber said happily as she checked off cake off the plan.

"Amber l please go and see Hugo now?" Sofia asked desperately.

"No!" "Of course not Sofia!" "We still have to get your birthday gown and prepare the dresses for our friends too. You also have to look at decorations etc." "You have to look spell binding on your birthday!" Amber said to Sofia.

"But-" Sofia protest but gets cut off by Amber.

"No buts missy." "We are going to the dressing room so you can try on some nice gown for your birthday party." Amber said as she pulled Sofia to the dressing room to try on some gowns and tiaras.

"Amber you worry too much!" Sofia laughed.

"No I'm serious what if the tiara doesn't fit or your gown is too small or too big or too itchy. Now let's see if this tiara will fit you." Amber said as she put a golden tiara on Sofia's head.

"Umm." "No let's try another one." "It has to match your gown has well." "So it has to be perfect for the birthday princess." Amber said as she put the tiara off the Sofia's head and starting looking for another tiara.

"I hope Hugo doesn't get mad I am taking too long." Sofia thought to herself.

Meanwhile Hugo is still waiting for Sofia in the corridor.

"Hey baby bro, what are you doing?" Axel asked as he patted Hugo's back.

"I'm 19 now!" "I'm not a baby!" Hugo groaned.

"Yeah. Whatever, who are you waiting for?" Axel asked Hugo.

"I'm waiting for Sofia, but she's with Amber planning her birthday party." "And it's been an hour already and she hasn't come out." Hugo said as he looked on clock on wrist.

"Well, she's with Amber." "She's probably going to take a while, you have to wait for at least 2 hours more." "You know how Amber gets picky when she organises parties." Axel said to Hugo.

"Why do you want to meet Sofia anyway?" Axel asked his little brother.

Hugo turned red. "No.. it's nothing.... I.. just.. just... want to tell her something." Hugo stammered.

"You're going to confess your feelings to Sofia." Axel smirked at his brother.

"Wait, how did you know?" Hugo asked surprised

"Just the way you look at her, I know everything." Axel smiled.

"So do you think she will accept my feelings?" Hugo asked Axel in need of his opinion.

"I don't think it's a good idea to do it now." "Why don't you say to her on her birthday?" "It'll be better than it tell her right now." "Plus you'll have three days to think to tell her." Axel told his little brother.

"Yeah l guess you're right." "I'll tell her on her birthday." Hugo agreed with his brother.

They didn't know the behind the curtain James heard everything, "So Hugo has feelings for Sofia." He thought to himself. "I have to tell Amber this."

Back to Sofia

After 3 hours of choosing a gown.

"Finally done." Sofia sighed relieved that's over.

"What's that sigh for?" "I have to spend a lot of my time to choose a gown." Amber complained to Sofia.

"Okay, I'm sorry." "Now l have to find Hugo." Sofia walked to corridor where she saw Hugo and his brother Axel talking.

"Hugo!" She shouted to him to get his attention.

"Oh hi Sofia." He waved to her.

"What do you want to talk with me right?" She asked him.

"Um... Never mind it's not important after all. Sorry to interrupt you." Hugo said.

"Oh it's okay Amber and I are already done." Sofia said to him.

"Amber!" James whispered no yelled from the curtain.

"Who's that?" Amber asked as she looked around.

"It's me James!" "Behind the curtains!" James said as he walked out of the curtain.

"Seriously James?" "You're 20 you're not 8 anymore." "You're also a knight and going to get married to Vivian." She said to him.

"Oh whatever, I have something very interesting to tell you." He said excitedly.

"Let me guess, you have successfully pranked Hugo?" She smirked.

"Not that!" He said angrily.

"Then what do you want to tell me?" She asked, she clearly didn't care.

"Hugo has feelings for Sofia." He whispered to Amber.

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