A surprise visit

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Priscilla said, "I'm Priscilla. I'm Vor's sister."

Sofia gasped and said, "Oh my god." "How?" "When?" "But I thought the nightmare I had was just a bad dream not a some vision."

Priscilla said, "Oh Princess Sofia you should know me."

Sofia took a step a back and got closer to Hugo and asked Priscilla,"What do you want?" "If you're going to threaten me and say you'll take the EverReleam." "Try your worst."

Priscilla smirked evilly, "Oh Princess you should know I'm just here for your amulet and if you don't give me your Amulet then I will do my worst to your family and friends." Threatening with magic in her hand.

Sofia shouted, "Never!"

Priscilla smiled evilly, "Oh well I guess I couldn't do things the easy way I'll have to use the hard way with you Princess Sofia." Then she used the magic and dragged Hugo and her family and friends into one place in the centre of the ballroom.

Priscilla smirked evilly, "Well say goodbye to your family and friends especially your best friend Prince Hugo!" And a huge ball of dark magic started coming towards them.

Sofia ran and yelled, "No!" Then she ran in front of them and took the hit which got her on the opposite side of them while Sofia laid unconscious after that strong hit. Everyone was stood still trying to process what happened. There was silence for a few moments while Priscilla smiled evilly.

Hugo ran to Sofia as fast as he could. He gently put her head on his lap and looked her still seeing her unconscious face, he looked up and saw her family and their friends and his family coming towards them.

Hugo shouted at Priscilla, "What have you done!?"

Priscilla smirked evilly and knowingly, "Oh please don't get all soft." "You could've seen it coming."

Hugo looked back at Sofia who was still unconscious and looked up to Priscilla and said calmly, "How about anyone expect Sofia fight with you in the village?"

Priscilla smirked, "Okay I will be waiting for you and your friends." And disappeared into a smoke of dark magic.

Hugo looks back to Sofia and shakes Sofia slowly and gently, whispering softly, "Sofia." "Please wake up..." please." No answer from Sofia.

Amber asked worriedly looking at Sofia and Hugo, "Is she alright?"

Hugo said, "I-I d-don't know."

James said, "Check her wrist to check her pulse."

Hugo put his thumb on her wrist, her pulse was going beating but slowly.

Hugo said, "She's alive but her pulse is going slowly."

Axel suggested, "I think we should get her to her room and get her to her bed otherwise she going to wake up confused and panicked then she already is."

Derek said to Hugo, "Hugo you should carry her to her bedroom."

Hugo stuttered, "N-no!" "That's not happening!"

Everyone shouted at him, "HUGO!" "CARRY HER!" "SHE'S UNCONSCIOUS!"

Hugo nodded nervously and whispered to himself, "Here goes nothing."

Hugo carried her while he was walking down the corridor to her bedroom and looked back to Sofia who was unconscious in his arms seeing her like this made his heart ache seeing Sofia like this.

Hugo put her in bed and made sure she was sitting up with pillows and held her hand which had the charm bracelet he gave her. Everyone was concerned for Sofia.

Everyone soon just went to the dining room all expect Hugo and Derek who decided to keep Hugo company.

Derek asked curiously seeing Hugo holding her hand, "How long have you liked Sofia?"

Hugo turned Derek and squeezing Sofia's hand tightly and said to Derek, "I've liked her since I was 9 after we won the flying crown derby championship race and my feelings started to grow more after the ice dancing recital and my feelings have never changed since then."

Derek asked, "If you liked so much why didn't you tell me?"

Hugo explained, "Because if I told you, you had feelings for her as well and I knew I couldn't do anything for you having feelings for her." "So I kept mine hidden and helped you with yours since I was trying to be happy for you but it was really hard and the reason why I didn't tell you because if I told you you would've had to hide your feelings and I knew I couldn't take that away from you."

Derek said, "Dude thanks." "But you liked her first and-" he was cut off by Sofia who woke up from unconsciousness.

Sofia murmured, "H-Hugo what's happening,what's going?"

Hugo whispered softly to her, "Shh Sofia you just had a bad hit from Priscilla who I am going to fight for you." "How do you feel?"

Sofia said weakly, "Umm, weak." "Priscilla's hit was strong enough to take most of my strength."

Hugo sighed sadly, "You're going to okay right?"

Sofia said sadly, "Hugo." "In this state I am in, I doubt I will alright." Sofia was going to hug Hugo but she almost fell off the side of the bed she was on.

Hugo helped her and hugged her tightly.

Amber, James and Axel came in and and saw Sofia awake.

James and Amber quickly took Sofia from Hugo and hugged Sofia.

Hugo explained everything to Sofia what he will do about Priscilla. Sofia wanted to help and she did find a way.

Sofia said to Amber, "Amber we have to go to the Jewel room now I have something to help Hugo and James, Axel when they fight Priscilla in the village."

Amber said worriedly, "But Sofia you're weak."

Sofia asked, "Amber can I lean on you." "To get to the Jewel room." "Please."

Amber nodded and took Sofia to the Jewel room with James and Hugo, Axel behind them.

Sofia said to James, "James see that chest.""Open it please." "I have something to show you and Hugo and Axel."

James opened the chest and saw three swords.

Sofia said to James, "I had these swords made and ready for you guys for a well especially you James." "One of the swords are for you, when you were going to get Vivian this was my wedding gift for you."

Sofia continued as the boys got the swords out, "These swords are special and they also have shields." "Which are also have their own special touch." "All the swords are to your favourite colour." "So James is the green one, Hugo is the black one and Axel is the red-maroon one."

James said with amazement has he got his sword, "Wow thanks Sof."

Sofia smiled and went to hug him but almost fell, luckily Hugo dropped his sword and caught her.

Hugo said to Sofia, "You should get some rest." "You're getting worse and weaker."

Sofia wanted to say she was fine but everyone including herself knew she wasn't fine. So she just nodded her head weakly to Hugo.

Amber quickly got Sofia to her bed and had her sit up with pillows.

Hugo quickly kissed her forehead and whispered to her, "Thanks Sof get some rest." "I can't lose you."

Sofia said, "I can't lose you either Hugo."

Hugo said to James and Axel and the rest of the princes who already had swords, "We going to take the flying horses from the royal stables.""I'll take Electra, James you get your horse and the same thing with everyone else." Hugo started walking out of Sofia's room with other princes getting ready to face Priscilla that he didn't even hear Sofia whispered to him, "Hugo be careful." "I love you Hugo I always have."

Soon the princes got the flying horses and were up to the sky.

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