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"What?" Amber asked surprisingly. "Hugo has feelings for Sofia?"

"Yeah, I heard him and Axel talking about this." James answered.

"Wait were you stalking our friends?" Amber asked James.

"That's not important!" "Now the most important thing is that Hugo has feelings for Sofia and he's going to confess his feelings to Sofia on her 18th birthday!" James exclaimed to Amber.

"I knew it! Me and Axel have wondered about this for a long time." Amber said to James.

"You knew it?" James asked surprised, "Why don't you do something?"

"What do you mean 'do something' ?" "Axel and I have already accept this this, besides Hugo and Sofia would be a great couple. Are you scared that your little sister will leave you?" Amber asked James.

"No I'm just worried." James replied to Amber.

"Come on James, she almost 18 now, it's her decision. You want Sofia to be happy." Amber said to James.

"Of course l want her to be happy." James said to Amber.

"Then let her choose who she loves, you can just be there for Sofia. "You can't force Sofia not to love someone." Amber said to James.

"Okay." James said.

Meanwhile with Sofia.

"I wonder what Hugo wants to tell me." She thought to herself. "He's says it's not important but l'm very curious."

"Sofia!" Sofia heard someone called her. Sofia turned around and saw Derek (her classmate and Hugo's best friend.)

"Oh hello Derek, what are you doing here?" Sofia asked curiously.

"Nothing, just walking around." He answered. "What are you doing?"

"Just thinking." She smiled to Derek.

"Do you know what happened to Hugo?" He asked. "He's been acting very odd today."

"I don't know either." She answered, "This morning he wanted to tell me something but then he says it's not important."

"Hm... that's weird." Derek said to Sofia, "Oh there's Hugo!" "I've gotta got go." "Bye Sofia!"

"Bye Derek!" She smiled as he left to talk to Hugo.

"Hey Hugo!" Derek smiled to Hugo.

"Hi Derek." Hugo said to Derek.

"I've just heard Sofia said you want to tell her something but then you said to her it's not important" Derek said to Hugo. "Can you tell me?"

"You don't need to know it, it's not that important anyway." Hugo said to him.

"Okay if you say so." Derek said, "Talking about Sofia." "Does she like anyone?"

"What?" I don't know. "Maybe she likes someone but l don't know." "Why do you ask?" Hugo said hesitantly.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone?" Derek asked Hugo.

"Okay I promise." Hugo promised Derek.

"I like Sofia." Derek said with a smile.

"You like Sofia?" Hugo asked surprised

"Yep, don't tell this to anyone but I've liked her since I was 11, before graduating Royal Prep l realised l liked her more than a friend." Then he looked at the clock. "Oh 1am already?" "I better go now." " See you later Hugo!" Derek waved as he left. Leaving Hugo with his thoughts.

"My best friend likes my crush." "What l do now."Hugo thought to himself.

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