Sofia and Hugo's day out

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It was a day before Sofia's birthday and Amber forgot one thing.

Amber asked Sofia, "Sofia since you are going to an official adult, what are you going to about your grand entrance on your party?"

Sofia smirked, "Oh you'll find out very soon Amber, don't worry."

Amber said, "Okay but I think you should go out of the castle. You've been inside for too long."

Sofia said, "Amber I would love to but I lots to worry about." "Other then my own birthday party plans." "Besides mum and dad wouldn't let me out unless it's with someone still." "They are going to let me go out by myself when I'm 18."

Just then Amber saw Hugo and smirked and looked at Sofia.

Amber thought, "this is the perfect opportunity to get Sofia out with Hugo." Sofia will love it!" "Hugo will enjoy some alone time with Sofia as well." "And it's  perfect, an excuse to get Sofia out of the castle for while, while me and James are finishing her birthday party plans." "Sofia will thank me later." "And Hugo as well."

Amber smiled to Sofia, "Maybe you can go out with Hugo." "You and Hugo would love it."

Instead of Sofia saying something she went to her friends who were staying at the castle for her birthday party.  To avoid the conversation about Hugo. She went to talk to Hidegard, Vivian, Kari,Clio and Zooey.

Amber was confused but she didn't blame Sofia, just in case she was nervous around him. Amber went up to Hugo.

Amber said, "Hello Prince Hugo."

Hugo said, "Hello Princess Amber."

Amber asked, "Hugo would you like to spend a whole day with Sofia to get her out of the castle for a while?"

Hugo turned red a bit. And said, "O-Of course I would love to."

Amber smiled and said, "She's over there." "If you want to tell her the good news."

Hugo nodded and went over to Sofia.

Meanwhile with Sofia who was talking with friends.

Hildegard asked Sofia, "Do you like Hugo?"

Sofia said, "Umm, yeah."

Her friends said in unison, "Aww."

Vivian gushed, "You two would look so cute together."

Hildegard said, "Speaking of him, he's heading your way, Sofia." "Let's go ladies." As she said while the other girls followed.

Sofia turned to see Hugo and stuttered, "Umm..." "H-Hey H-Hugo what are you doing?"

Hugo asked and blushed, Would you like to go out with me today?"

Sofia's eyes widen and asked, "Like on a date?"

Hugo looked down to the floor shyly and nervously. He didn't want to convince himself it was a date but they were going to spend the whole day together so you could call it a date.

Hugo quickly said, "No!" "Yes!" "No!" "Yes!" "I don't know just all I know is that we're wasting time just standing here."

Sofia blushed sightly and said, "Okay let's get going then shall we?" She got a bag and got some stuff into it.

Hugo nodded and took Sofia's hand and started walking to the coach. They went to the village and went to find a restaurant to eat at.

Hugo was walking mindlessly while Sofia was recording everything with her small camera. Hugo didn't even notice because he was happy to spend the whole day with Sofia.

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