DAY 2 - Afternoon

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After a delicious lunch: Pasta with garlic bread baked by your one and only Orange, everyone scattered off to their afternoon tasks. Cyan2 passed the entrance to Medbay but paused to familiar beeping noises. Excited, she bound into the room to see who was scanning. Lime, Pink and Blue were watching Brown do his Medbay scan.

"Greetings Cyan, you're right on time," Lime tipped one of her many top hats welcomingly.

The last green lazar ring floated down Brown and then turned off. *Bling!*

Brown stepped off the Medbay scanner smiling. "Right folks, shows over. Let's get some other tasks done!"

Everyone nodded and exited Medbay. Lime and Pink went right to the Cafeteria while Cyan2 followed Brown and Blue to the left side of the ship. Cyan2 recalled she had a task in Electrical to do so she headed straight over there not taking any detours. It seemed Brown and Blue also have tasks in Electrical as they weren't branching off either.

On the way down Cyan2 spotted Green doing a task in the Lower Engine. She smiled and waved to Green. Green looked up for a second from her task and waved before looking back down to continue what she was working on. The three finally reached Electrical and went straight to their tasks. Blue plugged in their suit to receive a download, Brown fixed wires and Cyan2 went to calibrate a Distributor.

She took in a deep breath before starting her task. She strongly dislike the unusual anxiety this task would give her. There were three wheels that would spin and she had to click a button on time when a node would reach the right of a colour. If she failed she would have to restart the task all over again.

*Click* First button, yellow, was successfully pushed. *Click* Second button, blue, was successfully pushed. Her hands started shaking, waiting for the right moment. *Click* The third button, cyan, was successfully pressed on time. She let out a deep sigh realising she was holding her breath.

Cyan2 looked to her left to see who was still in Electrical with her. Brown seemed to have finished the wires while she wasn't looking and had left. Blue was tapping their foot on the floor impatiently. Cyan2 took a peek at Blue's downloading screen curiously. 53% it flashed. She cringed understanding Blue's pain. Seeing as she completed her task in Electrical she decided to leave Blue to it.

Immediately as Cyan2 stepped out of Electrical she noticed a weird buzzing noise. She looked down to the screen on her suit's right arm. It was buzzing with static on the screen with flashing words. 'Comms sabotaged' it flashed. "What the-" she said to herself. She looked up trying to process what she should do.

"Right," she told herself. She would fix whatever was wrong, the source of the problem was coming from Communications which wasn't too far from her. On the way she passed Orange who was filling up fuel tanks cautiously in Storage. It looked like she wasn't aware of the sabotage since she was focusing on not spilling any fuel. 

Quickly Cyan2 reached Communications and walked over to the main computer. Next to the entrance in the room with her Purple was downloading an update into her suit. 87% the screen flashed. Purple couldn't fix the problem otherwise she would have to start her download all over again.

Cyan2 pushed the chair in front of the main computer out of the way urgently and restarted the systems. She looked down at the screen on her arm. It was working normally again, the tasks she still had to do, neatly listed to remind her. She sighed in relief. Suddenly the room around her and Purple started getting distorted. In a flash everyone was teleport to the Cafeteria.


Everyone was in different positions from what they were just doing, all had shock across their faces except for Purple and White. "This had better be important because my download was at 98% before we got teleported!" Purple yelled angrily.

White slammed his hands onto the main table, "I found Blue dead in Electrical. I pressed the report button."

Cyan2's heart rate immediately escalated, "Blue...?" She asked.

"Who?" Black asked.

"Blue!" White restated.

Everyone looked at each other confused. "The one that always existed!!!" White shouted.

"Ohhhhh," Everyone nodded.

"Ok, first things first. Where was everyone when the body was found?" Pink asked.

"Well, you were with us Pink. And by us I mean me and Brown in Admin," Lime said.

"Yes, I saw you three go in there from cameras." Cyan1 nodded.

"I was with Cyan1 the whole afternoon in Security," Red added.

"I was at the Lower Engine," Green said. "I can confirm that. On my way to Electrical I saw her over there," Cyan2 said.

"Hold up, on your way to Electrical? Blue was found dead there!" White accused.

"Yes me, Blue and Cyan2 went to Electrical after I did the Medbay Scan. Once I fixed wires there I left to Admin leaving Cyan2 and Blue alone together," Brown said.

"But I left Blue once I finished my task too! I noticed that Communications had been sabotaged from my suit's arm screen so I left to fix it," Cyan2 explained.

"Blue was stabbed to death, there were knife marks in his suit. Yellow was also stabbed to death! The only place to get knives are from the kitchen. Orange, you go into the kitchen most often. Where were you???" White asked.

"I was filling up fuel in Storage! You're lucky I did it fast and carefully because if you reported the body earlier the fuel could've been spilled and a fire would've started!" Orange snapped back.

"I can confirm Orange was doing fuel. I saw her on the way to Communications," Cyan2 agreed.

"Cyan2 also saw me doing a download task in Communications before I was rudely interrupted!" Purple complained.

"Purple, you're awfully suspicious for not caring about a Crewmates death!" White pointed out.

"Oh yeah? Well what if YOU were the one who killed Blue?!" Purple accused back.

Everyone fell silent.

"I came from Reactor and decided I would step into Electrical to see if anyone was in there. Then I found Blue's body," White explained himself.

"That's very suspicious, Imposter!" Purple exclaimed.

"No, I reported the body! How could I be an Imposter?"

"That is suspicious White. You could've sabotaged Communications to lure Cyan2 away then killed Blue and self-reported," Pink evaluated.

"Hang on a minute, someone's location is still unknown." Green pointed to Black.

"I was in Cafeteria getting a snack," Black said.

"Yeah, we saw her on the way to Admin," Lime nodded.

"We're getting nowhere! I think we should call a vote," Pink proposed.

"But what would the vote do?" Cyan1 asked.

"The information from the Medbay Scanner is also held in the computer outside the ejection room. If we have enough evidence of who's the Imposter we could take their helmet off and eject them into space. The computer will then give a deceased report. If there's data they were innocent. If there's none then they were the Imposter," Pink explained.

"Vote to kill someone?!" Red exclaimed. "That's a bit harsh!"

"Yes, that's why we should only vote someone when we've got some more evidence. But that might mean waiting another day in fear of being killed," Pink said.

"Then let the vote begin," Cyan2 smiled.

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