DAY 4 - Afternoon

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After lunch the crew held a meeting. "I think we need to approach our tasks differently, instead of going off in random directions we should split up into even packs. That way we'll be safer," Cyan1 proposed.

"That's a good idea," Purple nodded.

Red let out a depressed sigh. "What's the problem Red?" Green asked.

"It's just... Why did the Imposters decide to start killing us on the way back to Earth rather than when the mission started?" Red asked.

"If we look at it with their point of view a possible reason for starting their hunt so late is because they needed the ship to be ready and the specimens obtained from the planet to be exchanged with different organisations instead of NASA when we return. They may be spies," Cyan2 said.

Everyone looked at each other nervously. "Do you really want to do this guys? Imposters I mean. Like... We could just give the specimens up and avoid all this killing and drama," Purple suggested.

"No." Green stood up angrily, "We will not give up now, not when so many of our fellow crewmates have died. We cannot let them die in vain!"

Everyone fell silent, intimidated by Green's commitment and loyalty. 

"Ok then, let's get into groups. I'll go with Red, Brown and Black to the right side of the ship. Cyan2 you go with Orange, Purple and Green to the left side of the ship. We'll meet back up in Storage after completing our tasks. Left team, one of you should do the Medbay Scan that way confirmed innocents will be even, with two in each group," Cyan1 organised.

Everyone got into their groups then departed from the Cafeteria.


The left team went into the Medbay straight away. "So who's going to scan?" Purple asked curiously. Orange, Green and Cyan2 looked at each other urging for someone to go. Finally Cyan2 broke from the peer pressure, "Ok ok, I'll do it."

She stepped onto the Medbay scanner and closed her eyes in case of radiation. She heard the machine turn on as it started to scan her. *Beep beep beep brrrr* (silence) *Bling!*

Cyan2 sighed in relief as she opened her eyes and stepped off the scanner. Everyone clapped.

"Nice, now whoever needs to get their tasks done on the left-side of the ship should get it done today," Red said.

They all nodded and made their way out of Medbay. While walking across the top corridor the group looked down on their screen's checklist of tasks.

"Oh, I actually finished all my tasks on the left-hand side of the ship!" Green said.

"Me too," Cyan2 realised, scrolling through her list.

"Me three," Purple also realised.

They all looked over to Orange. "Oh, I have to restart the Reactor. No one did it after the sabotage."

Everyone nodded, surprised they forgot and headed over to the Reactor.

Pink's child was still sitting in the warm room, it wore one of Lime's many top hats proudly, the one that was least damaged. Cyan2 had made a temporary bed for the kid and gave it a daily glass of water. "Poor kid," Purple said as they walked in. Cyan2 sat down next to the kid while Orange went over to do her task. 

"Hey, guess what I brought?" Cyan2 said cheerfully. The kid looked up with a tiny spark of excitement in its eyes. Cyan2 pulled out a book from her suit's side pocket. "The Many Stars Of The Galaxy" She read it to the kid as she gave it the book.

It nodded gratefully and eagerly opened it up to read it. Cyan2 smiled and stood back up to go over to the rest of the group. "Done," Orange said.

"Ok, let's go to Storage to meet up with the rest of the Crew," Green said. 

After a short walk they arrived at Storage and waited for a while. Finally the right team came out of the Shields corridor.

"Everyone finished the tasks they needed to do on their sides?" Cyan1 asked.

"Yup!" Cyan2 answered.

"That's great! Now let's head off to-" Cyan1 began to talk but then stopped abruptly.

"What is it?" Purple asked.

From a distance Cyan2 saw the lights in Shields flicker then turn off. Then the corridor leading from Shields to Storage shut off. Everyone started yelling frantically as they all noticed the impending darkness. Then the Storage room's lights went off. It was pitch black except for the small lights that came from inside everyone's helmet. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh," someone panicked.

"Where is- Who is-" Another tried to ask.

"Everyone calm down!" Cyan1 tried to shout and regain everyone's attention in the dark.

Everyone looked over to the loud voice who commanded them. "We need to know who's who then make our way over to Electrical carefully," she said.

Suddenly a helmet light turned away from the group and ran away down one of the corridors. "Hey!" another crewmate yelled and took chase. 

"Don't split up!" Cyan1 yelled but it was too late, another crewmate ran after the two.

"Stick together! Let's do a roll call. Nod when you say your name that way we know which helmet light is who's, this is Cyan1" she nodded.

"Brown," a light waved up and down.




"Ok, good good, now we need to fix the lights from electrical, stick together, no one branch off now," Cyan1 repeated trying to keep calm. She walked around and used her hands in front of her in case there were any boxes in her way. Finally she reached a corridor. Cyan1 pressed her helmet against the wall to illuminate the sign directory. >STORAGE <ELECTRICAL, it showed.

"This way guys," she double checked behind her if everyone was still there. Four helmet lights shone back at her reassuringly. 

Cyan1 kept walking with one hand on the wall until it dipped into Electrical. She stumbled over to the circuit wall and opened it up. While she flicked switches and reconnected wires her heart beat echoed through her ears. She paused to look behind her again. No one was with her. Had she walked to fast?//

// Cyan2 ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She could navigate surprisingly well in the dark. Two more pairs of footsteps hastily followed her but she did not stop. She had to help Pink's kid, who was now alone in the dark without a father. She burst into the Reactor room to see a small helmet light shaking. "Oh my goodness. It's okay, Cyan2's here now shhh," she reassured as she reached down to hug the child.//

//"Hello? Is anyone there?" Cyan1 called, her anxiety started to kick in as she was alone in the dark. A helmet light stepped in. Cyan1 recognised the sound of the step from that certain characteristic, "Orange?"

"Yes." She replied and stood next to Cyan1. Cyan1 got back to fixing the lights, ever so slightly calmed down to know she wasn't alone. All the lights finally came back on. Cyan1 got up and rushed out of Electrical to see where the other three crewmates went.

Green and Black both stood next to Brown's dead body in shock. His fresh blood seeped out across the ship's floor reaching their boots. Green and Black in a swift second both reached for their report button. But Green pressed it first.

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