DAY 3 - Noon

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All the remaining Crewmates got teleported into the Cafeteria around the main table.

"What? What?" Green looked around frantically.

"The Reactor-" Red started.

"It's ok, me and Orange cooled it down but..." Cyan1's voice trailed off nervously as she glanced at Cyan2.

Orange had her head back and slouched down onto a chair trying to regain her breath. Everyone else looked over to Cyan2. Cyan2's hands were shaking with blood and her fingertips twitched as she stared blankly down at them.

"There's two people missing," Brown observed.

"Lime and no..." Purple trailed off in disbelief.

"Both Lime and Pink's bodies were reported at the Reactor," Cyan1 answered.

Everyone fell silent as the realisation sank in. Two of their fellow Crewmates had been killed in one day and not only that but their natural leader: Pink was now gone, forever. Some Crewmates looked at each other, unsure what to do or say.

After a few moments passed Cyan1 was the first to speak up. "The voting app automatically started, but I believe if we just let the time tick out while we discuss and not vote than we could restart the app for when we are ready."

Everyone nodded in agreement. "Let's start small and find out where everyone was after breakfast," Cyan1 suggested.

"Ok, but before that are we not going to talk about the LITERAL blood on Cyan2's hands!?" Red blurted out.

Everyone waited for Cyan2's response but nothing was said. She just stood there staring at her hands, unmoving except for the paranoid and anxiety filled twitch of her fingers. It was so quiet that you could here the struggle for breath from both Orange and Cyan2. A few more silent heartbeats passed.

Cyan1 smashed her fists into the table frustratingly and stared right at her sister. "Dammit Cyan, say something!"

Cyan2 closed her hands in response. They dropped to her sides but still trembled as she looked away.

Cyan1 let out a deep breath and angrily looked up to the rest of the crew. "I guess I'll start. After breakfast I went back into Medbay to grab my water bottle then headed straight for Security as always. I won't reveal everyone's location yet because I want to hear if they'll admit to where they've been first."

"Alright, seeing as Cyan2 can't speak up right now I'll do it for her. After breakfast we left from Cafeteria down past Admin to Storage. Usually Cyan would go off to do her own thing but today she felt unsafe and knew I proved my innocence through the Medbay Scan so she stuck by me the whole time. She watched me do wires and I watched her do the trash. Then when the Reactor went off she told me to warn the others and ran off to fix it. As most of you know before we got teleported I went to Admin," Purple recounted the events.

Cyan1 nodded, "I saw you go there through the cameras."

"I was in Admin the whole time. Black joined me I'd say about 2 minutes after Breakfast... Then Purple came to explain why the alarms were going off," Red said.

Everyone looked suspiciously at Black. "I can explain where I was before that because now I have 100% proof that Orange is one of the Imposters!!!" Black exclaimed proudly as she tapped on her suit's screen.

Orange was still fighting for oxygen and couldn't speak up for herself. A powerpoint projected from Black's screen to the rest of the crew as a hologram. The first slide said 'WHY ORANGE IS MEGA ULTRA SUSPICIOUS! by Black'.

2nd slide: "Straight after breakfast I went to the kitchen to find anything out of place. I found out there was a knife missing in the knife block!" She narrated and showed a picture of the knife block.

3rd slide: "Since I know Orange so well she wouldn't bring the knife with her after the murder so I checked under her bed in Medbay and you would never guess what I found!!!" The next picture showed a knife drenched with blood underneath Orange's bed. Everyone gasped. 

Last slide: 'Many of our frendos died to being stabbed by a knife and thus proves Orange as guilty. Thanks'

Finally Orange could breathe normally and spoke up. "That's impossible! Someone's trying to frame me!!! Cyan1, YOU said that after breakfast you went into Medbay before going into Security. You could've done it! ALSO, since you were in security the whole time you were closest to the Reactor! Why didn't you go as soon as you could to fix the meltdown?!" Orange accused.

"I only went to Medbay to get my water bottle! If I had placed the knife there Black would've seen me in the kitchen first. PLUS I didn't go fix the meltdown until the last few seconds because I knew I had the responsibility to monitor the rest of the ship in case anyone got killed during a crisis such as this one!!!"

Orange opened her mouth to respond but knew she couldn't explain to the rest of the crew now about the missing knife. Instead, she changed her approach. "If you were on the cameras the whole time instead of crawling through the vents then prove it. Tell the rest of the crew where I went the whole time after breakfast!"

Cyan1 smiled, finally something she could do! "After breakfast you went straight into O2 to do what I am assuming was a task... Then you left to Weapons and back to the Kitchen. Once the alarms started going off after a few seconds I saw you ran from Cafeteria past Medbay and soon reached the Reactor. I also saw Cyan2 go in there as well and started to get concerned because previously I saw both Lime and Pink enter there but the crisis wasn't being fixed so I went in there. I found both Lime and Pink dead, Cyan2 holding- Pink... And Orange waiting for a second person needed to cooldown the Reactor."

"This proves I'm innocent!" Orange shouted to Black. Black growled irritatingly and closed her powerpoint.

"And that I actually pay attention when watching the cameras," Cyan1 added proudly.

"That is suspicious Black, for falsely accusing Orange..." Red pointed out.

"I went straight to Communications and stayed there the whole time. Green joined me 3 minutes after Breakfast," Brown said.

"After breakfast I went past the left-side of the ship to Electrical to divert the power. Then I went to Communications to accept the diverted power. Brown was in there and then we got teleported," Green casually explained.

Brown nodded.

"I just wanted to add, the vent on the right side of the Reactor was already opened when I got there," Cyan1 said.

"That leaves Black and Cyan2 with questionable alibis... But I think this might be enough evidence? Let's start the vote," Red said.

Everyone nodded except for Cyan2, as they restarted their voting apps that will soon decide someone's inevitable fate.

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