DAY 2 - Morning

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Cyan2 stood up from her seat in the Cafeteria and headed off to do her morning tasks. It was a slow morning for everyone, the image of Yellow's dead body was still fresh in their minds. Cyan2 walked down to Admin and stopped midway through the corridor.

White was mopping the floor in Admin... Singing! Cyan2 peeped into the room, making sure she couldn't be seen. White stopped mopping and used the mop as a horse, galloping around the Admin table. "Yeaaaaa, I'm gonna take my horse to the old..." he sang, swinging his hat over his head in a classic cowboy fashion.

Cyan2 covered her mouth to stifle a snort. She then walked down past Admin, Storage and popped her head into Electrical. Red and Lime were singing too! They were headbanging while connecting wires. Lime had lent Red one of her many top hats and wore it stylishly. Cyan2 smiled, entertained by their performance.

After a small while she left to pass the left side of the ship. On the way Cyan1 was fixing wires outside Security singing a Kpop song from back in 2020. Cyan2 immediately recognised the rhythm from when they used to sing it together in High School. She excitedly pressed her shoulder next to her sister and joined in. "Ooh ah hae neol haechi neun Criminal~" they both sang. "Aaaa," they finger gunned each other before Cyan2 backwards walked around the corner to Medbay.

Once Cyan2 entered Medbay she noticed Pink, Green, Orange and Black were all huddling around something inside the room. "What're y'all doing?" she asked. They all stepped back to reveal a CD player! "Ommggg, who brought it?" Cyan2 asked, hit with a wave of nostalgia.

"It's mine!" Black grinned.

"What is this? Music morning? I swear everyone's singing today!" Cyan2 laughed.

"Hell yeah! Hit it boss!" Orange cheered.

Black smacked in a CD and started playing. Everyone straightened up and began to show off their dance moves. The room was full of music, singing and laughter. Green was using a spoon as a microphone, singing into it. Cyan2 was singing her heart out. Black was jumping up and down on her bed before she froze.

"What is it?" Pink asked.

"I know how to make this party 10 times better," Black smirked. She jumped off her bed and crouched down to pull something out from underneath her bed. "We weren't allowed alcohol on the ship... But I still have a better remedy to spice things up!" She pulled out a bottle that had a white opaque liquid in it and held it up triumphantly.

"Panadol!?" Orange asked loudly.

"Yesssss, it better be strawberry flavour!" Cyan2 danced over to Black.

"I've got shots for all of us!!!" Black yelled enthusiastically filling up measuring cups with Panadol, balancing them on her bed. "Take one!" Black exclaimed.

Everyone picked up a cup and stood in a circle. "Cheers!" Everyone shouted and gulped it down.

"Woohoo!" Cyan2 yelled.

"I have an idea, how about we all tell one truth about ourselves?" Orange suggested.

"Oooo! I'll go first! I left my family and dog to become an astronaut. I don't even know if they still remember me!" Cyan2 exclaimed.

Everyone laughed. "My story is exactly the same as Cyan's except I also left my pet snake!" Black said.

"That's a good thing! I don't like the idea of sleeping on a ship with a snake on the loose!" Pink laughed.

"I actually barely passed my astronaut test but since my cooking was so good they let me in!" Orange yelled proudly.

Everyone laughed even more. "My turn! I spent ALL my life training to become an astronaut just to be killed by 2 randos on a space ship just a few days away from Earth!!!" Pink laughed hysterically.

Everyone laughed even more than last time. "I actually snuck on this ship, I'm the imposter!" Green laughed.

Everyone laughed so hard that some tears came out. "I remember that! I saw you waltz past the guards and into this ship. I also sneaked onto this ship, that's why I know!" Black laughed, wiping a humorous tear from her eye only to hit her suit realising that she's wearing a helmet.

"Hahaha! Yup!!! I know you two are the imposters! That's why I killed Yellow!" Pink laughed even harder.

"Wha-at?" Orange laughed, also crying and not making sense of anything.

"Bucket," Cyan2 blurted out.

"Bucket?" Green asked.


"Why do you need a bucket?" Pink asked.

"SICK," Cyan2 said.

"Oh shoot, SOMEONE GET HER A BUCKET!!!" Black screamed.

Cyan2 unscrewed her helmet and threw it on the ground, clutching her stomach. Orange frantically ran out of the room to fetch a bucket. Green kneeled down next to Cyan2 patting her back. A few heartbeats later Orange reappeared with a bucket and Cyan2 threw up in it. Pink cringed.

"That's some old Panadol..." Cyan2 smiled after vomiting and blacked out.


Cyan2 sluggishly opened her eyes and sat up from her bed in Medbay. She was immediately hit with a massive headache. "Ughhh," she moaned blinking the druggish feeling from her eyes. "How on Earth did you get hungover off Panadol?" Cyan1 asked teasingly, she was sitting further down on her sister's bed.

"We're not on Earth silly," Cyan2 pointed out.

"Haha, don't be a smarty on me. Now get up, everyone's waiting in the Cafeteria for you. We're holding another meeting," Cyan1 said as she stood up.

The two siblings left Medbay and joined the meeting. Pink explained everything he and the other Crewmates discovered in the Medbay Scanner from yesterday afternoon.

"That's great news! Let's all do our scans now!" Purple stood up eagerly.

"No, sit down. It's too dangerous to do it all at once. We could risk a stack-kill," Cyan1 pointed out.

"Stack-kill?" White asked.

"Yes, I agree with Cyan. Stack-kills occur when there is a large group and when there's too many people if someone gets killed we wouldn't be able to see who's the killer," Pink explained.

"Then maybe we should just do it randomly throughout the day, but make sure to do it with 2-4 people so they can confirm your innocence," Cyan2 suggested.

"That sounds good, is there anything else we should discuss before starting our afternoon tasks?" Purple asked.

"I think someone should be on watch through the Security cameras at all times in case something happens in isolated parts of the ship," Green said.

Everyone looked at each other, unwilling to stare at a screen for the whole day. After a few moments passed Cyan1 spoke up. "I'll do it, I'm most familiar with the technology. I usually hang out on that side of the ship anyways," Cyan1 sighed.

"Great!" Pink clapped their hands together to conclude the meeting. "Now let's eat lunch then get some tasks done!"

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