DAY 5 - Morning

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The remaining 6 crewmates woke up drowsily to another eventful day. Cyan1 was the first to get up. She reached down from under her bed and grabbed her water bottle to refresh herself. Then she left the Medbay to the Cafeteria. A lot of troublesome thoughts had tormented her last night and she needed a breather.

Cyan1 sat down at the main Cafeteria table and stared out of the ship's sturdy glass windows. The view was not special to her anymore. The beautiful stars became a nice distraction from how dark space really is. She had to make a firm decision that no one else was willing to take. The rest of her crewmates were just waiting off their last bit of sleep, relaxing and chatting in Medbay.

Cyan1 flipped open the safety glass protecting the Emergency Meeting Button and without a moment's hesitation she slammed her hand onto it.

Everyone got teleported around the main table in Cafeteria except for Cyan1 who was already there. She observed everyone to see their reactions. They were all as equally shocked.

"Yesterday we voted another innocent of this ship. I could not rest easy with the memory of Black's eyes as they stared back to me. When the murder happened I saw Black and Green by Brown's dead body. Now that we know it wasn't Black I cannot allow for them to die in vain. I'm voting out Green," Cyan1 explained with full confidence and tapped on her screen. 

"What?! We just woke up and now you're accusing me!? I'm innocent! When the lights went out you said Orange passed Brown. How is that not suspicious???" Green directed the accusation to Orange.

"You have to trust me! I did pass him accidentally while the lights were out. It WAS incredibly hard to see yet alone navigate in the darkness!" Orange begged.

"I'm going with Cyan1 on this one," Red said and voted.

"Me too," Purple joined in and voted.

"Yes, for Black!" Orange exclaimed and tapped on her screen to vote.

Cyan2's hand shook over the choices for voting. It couldn't be possible, it couldn't! One of her closest friends she's known from High School couldn't be an Imposter! She wouldn't... kill... 

Cyan2 looked up from her screen to see Green staring back at her. Green's face showed almost no emotion except for the smallest bit of fear. Cyan2's hand was still shaking uncontrollably over her screen. Suddenly a familiar voice echoed through her mind. 'Emotions are just a wall that distracts us from what really needs to be done,' Pink spoke.

"Pink?" She asked in a hushed voice with disbelief.

'But the gift of emotions doesn't always need to be a burden. They will guide your heart to the right choice,' all familiar voices told Cyan2. All those voices belonged to her fallen Crewmates. No matter what forces had allowed for them to reach into contact with her; they had faith in her choice.

Cyan2 pressed on her screen.

[Green voted on Orange. Red, Orange, Purple, Cyan1 and Cyan2 all voted on Green.]

A new, unseen and terrifying surge of energy sparked inside of Green. She took off her own helmet slowly. Everyone was shocked and unsure how to react. But then Green threw her helmet at Red with full force, knocking Red down onto the cold, hard floor. Purple ran towards Green to grab her but Green jumped up and in mid-leap, kicked a chair over crashing into Purple. 

Cyan2 couldn't get her legs to move, even though she desperately wanted to help. Cyan1 ran past Cyan2 and was about to leap into a tackle when Green pulled out a shiny metallic object covered in blood. The stolen kitchen knife was in Green's hand and she savagely swung it forward at Cyan1. 

Cyan1 skidded to a halt a step away from Green and instinctively put her arm out in front of her protecting her face. SLASH, blood splattered against the Cafeteria floor. A deep cut was inflicted onto Cyan1's left arm as she stumbled backwards in pain. Orange leaped in front of Cyan1, protecting her crewmate.

Green swung the blade furiously at Orange with incredible speed. But Orange too got top grades in her Astronaut training for combat. She dodged and bent to avoid each swing Green threw. Orange walked backwards in between swings.

Cyan2 watched in amazement as Orange bravely led Green towards the ejection room. Finally Cyan2 could move and carefully approached Cyan1 to assist her wounded sister, making sure not to distract the duelers.

She swung Cyan1's uninjured arm over her own shoulder to help left her up. Cyan1 stumbled but forced herself to keep up with Cyan2 as they followed Green and Orange to the ejection room. Terrible scraping noises echoed throughout the ship as some missed swings from Green's knife slashed across the ship's walls.

Orange swiftly took the last turn and instead of evasive she chose offensive as she shoved Green into the ejection room. She quickly slammed her fist onto the door's button and the see-through door shut down. Green dropped the knife as her last bit of energy evaporated, she stared at the ground breathing heavily.

Everyone had reached the ejection room and stared back at Green with relief that the threat could no longer attack. "Any last words?" Red asked.

After Green finally caught her breath she looked up and grinned at the rest of the crew, "I regret nothing."

Orange pressed the ejection button and Green got sent out to space. The monitor inside the ship turned on to scan.


Cyan1 let go of Cyan2's shoulder and collapsed to the floor with a deep sigh. "Finally..." Red breathed. Everyone breathed out with relief for they knew they just witnessed an ejection that actually got rid of an Imposter.


"I hate to ruin the celebration so soon but... There is still one more Imposter among us."

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